Polar Opposites [24]

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Tenshi helps Gaara sleep making him flushed in the process. It's now Tenshis match.

Shook. That's what I was. Shook to the core.
I stare Dumbfounded at my opponent across the arena.


"Long time no see, Tenshi-san ."

There stood Haku fucking Yuki!? The Haku I took a chidori to the heart for. The Haku who's freakishly prettier than me!? Whipping my head to the balcony where the old man stood, i point at him with saucers for eyes.


Seeing him turn away with a smug expression , my jaw drops.

The proctor beckoned us closer and explains the rules. Eyeing Haku warily, I had to make sure not to get trapped in his special jutsu.
"Haku." He looks at me in question.

"Although you owe me your life, do not hold back." I exclaim.

His eyes widen but he passes me a challenging smile of sorts.

"Hai, go all out as well."


Jumping away from each other, I ignore the crowds screams. From what I remember from the last time we bumped fists, his chakra nature was ice hence water and air whilst mines was fire and air. I mentally give props to the old man for his selection. Haku was the polar opposite. In other words, he was the perfect opponent.

Summoning my katana, I flash in front of him, my katana nearly clipping his cheek. He expertly dodges me and flicks needles at me to which I deflect. I tense as he inhaled a large amount breath and I narrowly evade multiple wind bullets.

Taking cover behind a bulky tree, I scowl to see one of the bullets had clipped my shoulder. The warmth of blood staining my cloak made me place my hands on the ground releasing a large number of paper bombs which begin to stream towards Hakus position secretly. Once they were in place, I mumble the words to the jutsu before the tree breaks from shielding me from the bullets.

"Paper Bomb Jutsu"

Hearing the satisfying explosion come after I use my kunai as a mirror to see if my attack was a success whilst still keeping alert. Haku wouldn't go down that easily. As if hearing my thoughts, I sense an oncoming force aimed for my head, I activate my genkai stopping time long enough to duck and roll away as the tree was now littered with needles. "Kami how many needles does he have?!" I growl. I was at a disadvantage as Haku was clearly keeping his distance and refused to engage in close combat with me. He knows I'll fuck him up with this katana if he gets within a meter of me. I mentally snicker twirling my katana to deflect more needles. My eyes catch sight of his leg which was encased in ice making me smirk

Seems like my jutsu was effective at least.
His hands suddenly slam on the ground, and and enormous ice glacier heads straight for me. Encapsulating myself in my fire chakra, I brace myself.

The crowd makes noises of awe as a sharp gigantic ice glacier covers half the arena. The victim of the glacier was currently frozen inside of it. Rising slowly, Haku muttered a swift apology.

"Gomen, but you can never be to sure." He mumbled. He knew his attack was overkill but the last thing he needed was to underestimate his opponent. His giant ice wall was his newly ace in the hole as he knew the girl had expected him to use his mirrors of ice.

"COME ON TEN-CHAN?! YOU SERIOISLY GONNA LET THIS PRETTY BOY BEAT YOU!!" Naruto's voiced bounced off the walls of the arena.

"I don't know Naruto, that attack seemed pretty hardcore." Shikamaru muttered with calculating eyes as Tenshi was still frozen inside.

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