14|| Will

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Will tried not to scream as he cut the cheese.

Well, it was actually a condensed form of Hymolephian goat milk that was used in the potion for rapid growth. It smelled absolutely awful and hardened so that the outer shell had the consistency of a brick and the inside was into the liquid that was used in the potion.

Hazel seemed unfazed as she cut her cheese. "You get used to it after awhile," she said.

"But it's like a cyclops turd," groaned Will, right as his knife punctured the brick-like shell and the liquid exploded. A drop of the white-ish liquid splashed upwards, landing on his eyelashes, and a numbing tingle formed around his eye as the eyelash began to grow at rapid speeds, obscuring the vision in his right eye. As he went up to get the remedy, he saw Snape smirk.

Disheartened, Will returned to his seat and pushed the rest of the liquid into the cauldron.

Frank, who was shaving away at the shell, cracked it over his cauldron like an egg. "Be glad you're a Hufflepuff," he advised. "The Gryffindors have it way worse."

"I'd rather be a Gryffindor though," Will grumbled as he stirred the simmering yellow liquid that gave off fumes of burned metal.

"Doubt it," Hazel muttered.

After handing a sample of the potion to Snape (Will's was still that rotten egg yellow, Frank's was tangerine shaded, and Hazel's a brilliant purple like it was supposed to be), they hurried down to Transfiguration.


Leo smacked his wand on the table furiously. "Why won't you work?" Leaning back in the royal blue armchair, he studied the mess of wires in front of him.

Terry Boot crouched next to Leo and frowned. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"Trying to fix this stupid owl." So far, Leo had disassembled, reassembled, and replaced all of the parts, but nothing worked

"Machines don't mix well with magic," Terry advised. "Was it different at Ilvermorny?"

"Where?" Leo asked distractedly. Terry frowned again.

"Ilvermorny. You know, the school in America? That you went to before?"

"Right," said Leo hastily. "Ilvermorny."

Terry raised an eyebrow. "I'm not stupid, you know," he said loftily. "You're lying."

Leo folded his arms, wishing Annabeth was a Ravenclaw. Why on earth was he pinned as the smart one, huh?

"So where'd you go, then?" Terry asked.

"Erm... Delphi Hill Academy," said Leo smoothly. "It's... like a private school."

"And that other kid too?" asked Terry.

"Who, Will? Yep," Leo confirmed.

"Huh." Terry analyzed Leo's owl. "Well, I know that most of the — very limited technology around here all works with magic too." He took out his wand and began to mutter incantations under her breath.

Leo watched closely, determined to learn. After a moment, Terry looped his wand back into his jeans and sat back on his heels. "There you go."

Leo prodded at the statue, which didn't appear any different. But as he reached for the control panel and flicked it on, it whirled to life again and the ruby eyes glowed brilliantly before fading back to onyx.

"Yes!" Leo cheered. "What did you do to it?"

"I just made it waterproof," said Terry airily. "I think all it needed was some direct exposure to magic."

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