41|| Annabeth

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The next room they hit gold. Not literally. That was Thalia's room. But the shining rows of cold blue orbs were as good as gold.

"Look!" Thalia breathed as she stepped closer to the nearest one at eye level. It was covered in a thick layer of dust, giving it the impression of a moldy gray peach. She blew gently and the dust swirled away before settling on the unfortunate victim that was Nico's nose.

"What is it?" Percy asked as Nico turned and sneezed into his robes.

"I don't know," Annabeth muttered. The label beneath the ball made no sense: P. C. T. to G. E. War of Blood IV.

"This is definitely it," said Nico, rubbing his nose. "C'mon. We need to find the others."

"Wait," said Annabeth, almost without knowing it. "Look."

She squatted to a lower shelf and blew on a dusty ball. It glowed slightly green, unlike the ghostly blue of pretty much everything else. Engraved on the stand in ancient Greek were the words:

O. O. D. to P. J. Quest, Perseus Jackson

"What is it?" Percy asked, entranced, and reached for the orb. It slipped between his fingers and shattered on the floor with a great crash that echoed throughout the shelves.

An eerie mist floated from the shattered remains, hissing like a thousand snakes as it coiled and curled in the air. Then a voice rose up — one they had not heard in five years, hissing in ancient Greek.

You shall go west, and face the god that has turned
You shall find what was stolen and see it safely returned
You shall be betrayed by one who calls you friend
And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end.

A dry shiver ran down Annabeth's spine as the prophecy echoed in her ears.

"Look, there's more."

Percy had stepped over the broken shards of his prophecy and trailed his finger across another orb that was a few paces away.

O. O. D. to C. L. Quest, Clarisse La Rue

"Don't smash it," Nico warned.

"Smash it," Thalia encouraged eagerly.

"Percy," Annabeth warned.

Percy withdrew his hand. "I don't wanna break another one," he said. Thalia looked disappointed but the others looked relieved.

"Let's keep going." Annabeth stepped back into the main pathway and studied the row numbers engraved on the sides. "Does anyone know which one Harry's looking for?"

"No," they all replied.

"That's unfortunate," said another voice. "I guess we'll just have to kill you, then."

>>>•Jason POV•<<<

Jason was lost. He knew that much.

His palm was growing sweaty and his sword trembled as he hopelessly went from door to door, trying to see which ones he had come through, but it was useless. None of the rooms had anything useful. One contained a massive hourglass with leaves fluttering down rather than sand, another one looked somewhat like the dungeons with millions of pickled things floating in jars on the desks, another one had a thin sheet of rainbow stretching from ceiling to floor and all the way across, shimmering and swirling lazily.


Jason's hand strayed to his pocket, groping for anything he could possibly throw in that the goddess Iris would accept. The only thing he pulled out was a used tissue that he immediately crammed back in.

Cursing, Jason approached the rainbow sheet. "Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow," he prayed. "Please, show me Piper McLean in the Department of Mysteries and I'll sacrifice extra to you if I get out of this alive."

Iris must've been in a good mood, or perhaps she simply pitied Jason, because the rainbow rippled and cleared to reveal Piper.

"Piper!" Jason exclaimed, relieved to see she was alive.

Piper blinked. "Jason?" she said. "Where'd you go?"

"Where did I go?" Jason repeated. "Where did you go? Where's Luna?"

"I don't know," Piper confessed. She ran her fingers over her braid, which was more of a side ponytail than a braid from the amount of flyaways that had escaped the elastic band. "Where is everyone else?"

"I don't know."

"How do we get out of here?"

"Is there a spell that will take us to everyone else?"

They were both silent for a moment.

"Could we iris-message Nico?" Jason asked.

Piper chuckled. "He's not going to be happy we're using him as a taxi service, but okay."

"You're going to have to call," warned Jason. "I'm out of drachmas."


Piper cut the connection with Jason and created another rainbow with her wand. "Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, please accept my offering and show me Nico di Angelo in the Department of Mysteries."

The rainbow flickered then darkened to reveal a room stacked with rows and rows of orbs. But before she could completely focus, a dark object flew towards the iris message and cut the connection. But not fast enough to hear the shouts that were echoing throughout the room.

Piper dodged out of the way on instinct, then stared at the blank spot.

"Iris show me again!" Piper shouted, her wand out. The rainbow formed again and she saw the room, this time from a birds eye view. Jets of light streamed across the rows, smashing orbs and releasing dark, ominous mists.

"Nico!" Piper shouted, trying to spot the dark haired son of Hades. But if he heard her, she wouldn't know, because an entire shelf collapsed at that moment, once again the connection shut down.


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