18 || Annabeth

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The first Quidditch match was coming up— Gryffindor versus Slytherin, and Angelina was absolutely freaking out.

"Stop messing around!" She screeched at Fred and George, who in return scowled simultaneously at her.

"You okay?" Annabeth asked Angelina.

Angelina ran her fingers through her hair. "No," she said. "Slytherin's got a new captain."

"Yeah," said Annabeth. "Piper McLean."

"I know Flint's style," Angelina continued. "Piper's a whole different story. Flint was all about ruthlessness and direct attacking. If Piper's anything like me, she'll have some tactics and a backup tactic and a backup backup tactic."

"It'll be fine," Annabeth consoled her.

Angelina wasn't the only one stressed. Piper pursed her lips as she watched her team play again. She definitely made the right choice by scratching the team, but she wasn't sure if she chose the right people.

"Let's try that play again!" Piper shouted, circling around. "Remember, Draco, you're looking for the snitch, not how the others are doing."

Draco rolled his eyes dramatically, and in return she smacked him with the Quaffle.

"Play four!" she shouted, flying back into position.


"And the Slytherins have a new team!" Lee Jordan exclaimed. "Here we have Captain and chaser Piper McLean, who made some drastic changes to the lineup! Chasers Bella Clark and Chris Briars, beaters Amelia Knight and Gregory Goyle, Keeper Cassidy Yuen, and Seeker Draco Malfoy."

There were a lot of confused and excited murmurs and Angelina looked like she was having a panic attack.

"And on the Gryffindor team, Captain and chaser Angelina Johnson. Chasers Annabeth Chase, and Jason Grace. Beaters Fred and George Weasley, Keeper Ron Weasley, and Seeker Harry Potter."

Angelina turned and fervently whispered to Annabeth, "what on earth is Piper doing?"

"Tactics, comrade, tactics," Annabeth said sagely.

Angelina ignored Annabeth. "Okay, okay," she muttered. "This changes the plan. Play eight!" She whispered to the rest of the team.

Ron looked at her in alarm. "We've only really practiced three and five!" He whispered back.

"I know, I know! But Piper's team changes things!"

Ron turned greener than he already was, but they nodded.

"Captains shake hands," Madam Hooch said firmly. Angelina composed herself and walked up to Piper. They shook each other's hands, Piper and Angelina both an emotionless cool.

"Mount your brooms—" Madam Hooch blew the whistle shrilly and the sound echoed around the pitch as fifteen brooms rose into the air.

Annabeth blocked out the commentary as she snatched the Quaffle from the air. Piper flew straight at her, and Annabeth faked a pass to Angelina before swooping under Piper and dropping it below to Jason. Jason dodged Piper as a bludger came sailing his way. Ducking down low on his broom, he pushed a small shield of wind around him and the bludger spiraled away. But the second chaser, Chris, flew in and snatched it from Jason's hands. He began to weave at lightning speed across the pitch, his arm ready to throw, when suddenly Angelina was there, grabbing the ball neatly and throwing it cross-pitch to Annabeth, who pinned it neatly on the right hoop— only to have the Keeper, Cassidy, dart in front of it and block it with her left forearm. It dropped into the hands of Piper, who flew nearly snaking across the ground, before throwing it upward to Bella who pinned it straight past Ron and into the center hoop.

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