Chapter 22: Founder's Day

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Chapter 22: Founder's Day

Samathea and Elena pulls on their 1860s dresses; Elena more a golden dress with a green lash as her hair was in curls as Samathea a Caribbean blue dress with golden seams through it and her hair was in a half curly ponytail and long with a white lash, Samathea whines as she felt the corset she was wearing killing her. "God how did the woman from 1860s learn not the breath?" she whines as she pulls on her necklace, Jenna walks up behind her and pulls her hair out of the way. "Suck it in you big baby," she tells her, Samathea pouts and fastens the necklace around her neck.

Jenna lets down her hair as Elena walks her and pulls her into a hug, "I understand your pain, little sister and we will get through this." she tells her and watches Jenna walk off "And when no one is looking you can loosen the corsets a little, so we can breathe and not be suffocating." Elena whispers to her. Samathea looks at her and nods. Then smiles with a smirk on her face. "I like the way you think, big sister," she states with a smile. "Of course, after all, we are twins, after all, little sister," she tells her and they both laugh.


Back that the school everyone was gathered for the parade as some people dressed up and others were helping set up the last preparations. Stefan was also dressed up as well. "Look at you, all retro." Damon states as he walks up to him, "What are you doing here?" Stefan asks him. "Why wouldn't I be here?" Damon asks him as Stefan just glares at him, "Bonnie deactivated the Gilbert invention, Isobel is gone and it's Founders Day." Damon tells him. "I'm here to eat cotton candy and steal your girl's sister," Damon smirks at him, Stefan just scoffs and started to walk.

"Don't start with me Damon." he tells him, "Oh... you started it, Stefan. That whole I'm insecure and leave Samathea alone speech." Damon states, Stefan stops and looks at him, "As long as you heard it." Stefan states, "wait huh, what?" Damon jokes, but Stefan lets out a fake chuckle. "You have no sense of humor Stefan," Damon tells him, crossing his arms. "No actually I have no sense of Damon humor," Stefan tells him and walks away. "Damon humor?" Damon mumbles to himself. "Hey look, I get it, I get." Damon walks up in front of him, stopping him from leaving. "I'm the better, hotter superior choice and you're scared now that Mary is gone and resting peacefully on the other side, that I'm going to turn my attention to Samathea," Damon tells him.

"Wow, you want to let her go?" Stefan questions him, "I can't mourn Mary forever, she wouldn't want that for me, so I need to move on." Damon tells him, Stefan hummed to himself and looks at him, "But you don't have to worry, Sammy is not Mary and Elena is not Katherine." Damon tells him, "You're right, Sam is not Mary and Elena is not Katharine." Stefan agrees. But Damon looks off over Stefan's shoulder, Stefan follows his gaze and they both were in shock.

Samathea and Elena walk into view, wearing their dresses as they look around, the Salvatore was in awe as the Gilbert twins were the spitting image of the Perrice twins. They then spot the Salvatore brothers; Stefan locks his eyes with Elena as Damon locks his eyes with Samathea, the twins look at each other then back at the Salvatores, smirks on their faces and they curtsied to them.


Elena and Samathea stood in front of Stefan with shock looks on their faces as Stefan tells them the news. Samathea cups her face in horror. "John?" Elena asks him, Stefan nods his head, "Is that even possible?" Elena asks him. "Well there is no proof, but her dated Isobel and he was the one the brought her to your dad's office for the delivery," Stefan informs them, as Samathea calms down.

"Our whole lives we've never like this man and me..." Elena states, but sighs with frustration. "I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you before Damon drop it on you both in an inappropriate way," Stefan tells them, but Samathea shook her head. "No, I'm happy that you told us, Stefan, I just hope it's not true." Samathea tells him, he nods at her, "So what do we do, should we just confront him and ask him, Hey John are you our biological father?" Samathea asks him, Stefan shrugs at her, "I guess when you both are ready." he tells her, so the young twin shook her head. "I'm never going to be ready for this, are you going to be ready for this?" Samathea asks her twin. Elena shook her head.

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