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A/N I don't own Yugioh.

A month later, Yugi had plan for to put Alice in school. When Yugi told Alice about it, she was a bit nervous about being bully but he assured her that everything was going to be okay and if anything was to happen go find an adult. Alice reluctantly agreed to father's term.

Morning came around, Yugi got Alice dressed and ate breakfast and were currently on their way to the school.

"Do you remember what I told you that if anything happens you go ....."

"Find an adult"

"And if someone was to say something mean to you...."

"If you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all"

"Always be ......"

"The best you can be"

Yugi smiled and got down on one knee until he is leveled with Alice.

"That's my girl"

Alice giggled and hugged her father. They arrived to the school, Yugi took Alice to her classroom. Alice at first didn't want to let go of Yugi's hand because he was about to leave but Yugi gave her comfort knowing that she will be just fine.

"Daddy, do you think I'll meet new friends?"

"Of course you are sweetheart"

"I won't get bullied?"

Yugi smiled at his daughter

"I wouldn't put you in a place where I know you'll get hurt"

Alice smiled feeling confident then when she woke up this morning.

"Now, i'll pick up after school okay"


Alice gave her father a kiss and Yugi returned a kiss to the forehead, off she went to class. Yugi went back home to work in the shop when he received a phone call.


*At School*

It was art class and Alice was sitting on a round table along with other kids, she had a blank sheet of paper in front of her. Alice smiled and was about to reach for a crayon.

"Hey that's my crayon"

Said a boy who rudely snatch the crayon from Alice hand.

"Oh sorry. My name is Alice what's yours?"

"What's it to ya?"

He replied coldly going back to his coloring. Alice then turned away from him and reached out for a scissors when a girl snatched it from her fingers.

"I need those"

Said a girl with a conceited voice.

"You can use them. My name is Alice, I'm new here"

The girl scoffs ignoring Alice. She put her head low in shame. Alice decided to get up and do something else but at the same time a girl was running with scissors in hand and tripped over Alice feet.

The girl fell to floor and began crying, the teacher came over and asked what happened before Alice could respond everyone blamed Alice for the student fall. The accusations caused Alice to lose recess, she sat on a bench watching other kids play.

Alice look to see a group of girls coming up to her. One of them smirk looking at Alice.

"You're new here right?"


"Here's a welcoming to my school"

With that said the was hiding a bucket of water behind her back and splash Alice soaking her all up, Alice gasp and stood up and at the same time another girl had another bucket full of sand and dumped it on Alice, sand landing in her eyes causing her to yell.

The teacher came over and asked what happened but everyone claimed they saw nothing. Alice looked at her classmates as the teacher walked away.

"We don't want you here you freak!"

"Yeah go back to your foster parents"

"No wonder you have no parents because nobody wants you"

A girl said walking up to Alice, out of anger Alice pushed the girl to the ground and the teacher saw.

"At least my Daddy wants me, your parents are stuck with you!!"

She shout cause the girl to cry and all the students started yelling at Alice for being a bully. The teacher came over and scolded Alice.

"You are in big trouble young lady"

Alice looked up at her teacher


"I saw what you did"

"But they were saying mean things to me"

"I didn't hear them saying anything"

"I'm telling you the truth"

"Stop lying everyone here is a witness. Now I want you inside"

Alice gasp at the accusations and turn towards the students and saw them smirking at her. She couldn't take it anymore, she quickly ran out of the school heading straight home.

'You can't be here anymore. Nobody wants you. Nobody cares. Everyone wants you gone, go ahead and do it, it will save everyone the trouble. Just cut and it will be all over'

Alice was in tears as she continued to run, she could hear the voices again and this time they were stronger than before.

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