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A/N I don't own Yugioh.

As they reached home, Yugi explained to his Grandpa that he adopted Alice and his grandpa agreed that he did the right thing. Yugi decided to make lunch for everyone, he made lunch for Alice which was different from his d his grandpa.

"Alice, Grandpa lunch's ready!"

Yugi heard little small feet running and came to a stop. Alice was in the door way with a bright smile, she made her way to her seat and waited obediently.

Yugi then gave her a peanut butter sandwich with milk.

"I hope you like Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich"

Alice smiled.

"Thank you daddy"

"Your welcome. Now we just have to wait for grandpa to come eat with us."

"Do i call him grandpa too?"

"If you want to"

Alice nodded and then looked at the other two plates that were different.

"What are you eating?"

"Oh. This is called sushi"


"Yeah, you want to try one"

Alice shook her head in disgust causing Yugi to chuckle. Just then Grandpa came inside the kitchen.

"Sorry to keep you three waiting. I needed to close the shop"

He said walking for to sit down. Yugi looked at his father confused.

"Uh grandpa there is only two of us here?"

Solomon rubbed his eyes and looked around with a bashful smile.

"Oops it appears my age is finally catching on."

He chuckled, Yugi shook his head with a smile and he looked towards Alice to see her with her head low.

"Hey your okay?"

Alice shook her head replacing the frown with a smile.

"Yeah I'm good"

"Good then lets eat"

A few minutes of silence passed, and Grandpa decided to speak up because he was curious.

"So Alice from what I was told your suicidal..."

"Ugh grandpa I don't think its ....."

"That's okay Daddy I can answer that one"

Yugi let out a sigh as Alice continued.

"Yeah that's what they say"

"Why do you hurt yourself?"

"Because the dark spirit said that if I do it then they'll leave me alone. They always talk to me and I try to speak up for myself and they call me crazy. I just wanted help but they don't want to deal with me so they put me to sleep."

"When did this whole mess started?"

"I don't remember"

"Is that why you were on the roof?"

"They said it would be easy and quick"

"Who are they?"

"The people of the dark. They come from the shadows, they hate the light"

"Do you get along with the kids at the orphanage?"

"I try to make friends but all they do is bully me, so I'm better off on my own"

"What happened with your foster parents from before?"

"They didn't want to take care of me, all they wanted was the money. I should have killed them long ago just like the voices say."

Alice then looked up at her Daddy and Grandpa.

"You believe right?"

Yugi smiled of course he believed her, from his experience he knows that their are spirits that dwells good and evil.

"Of course I do"

That response made Alice smile


After lunch, Yugi took Alice to a guest room that was filled up with piles of boxes.

"This is going to be your new room. We just need to get all the boxes out of here and then you can decorate it however you want. Would you like that?"

Alice let go of Yugi's hand to inspect the room a bit and then finally looked at Yugi and nodded.

"Okay in a couple of days we'll go shopping"

Alice ran up to Yugi and signaled him that she wanted to be carried.

"You're going to take good care of me right daddy?"

"I'll try my best"

"You're not going to put me to sleep?"


"You promise you'll never ever let me go? And that you will always be by my side?"

"I promise to never let you go and i keep my promises. And i'll be by your side always"

Alice squealed and hugged Yugi wrapping her small arms around his neck.

"Yaay!! I love you Daddy"

Yugi smiled

"I love you too, sweetheart"

*Later that Night*
Yugi went into Alice's room and sees her laying down in the bed. He tucked her in until

"Daddy there is a monster in my closet"

Yugi chuckled and made his way to the closet.

"I assure you there is no monster in the closet"

Yugi opened the door to see Alice on the floor hugging her legs.

"Daddy there is a monster on my bed"

He froze and slowly turned around and looked at the bed but there was no one. He quickly grabbed Alice hand and led her to his room where she will sleep for the night.

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Suicide: Yugi and AliceWhere stories live. Discover now