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A/N I don't own Yugioh.

The next day Yugi woke Alice up, she slept in Yugi's room while Yugi slept on the couch. At the breakfast table Yugi made blueberry pancakes with blue berried in shape of a face. Alice gave him a slight smile.

"I hope you like Blueberry pancakes"

"I never had one"

Alice said in a low voice

"Or a bed"

Yugi had sympathy now for the little girl, but he had no other choice. After breakfast Yugi took Alice in hand and headed to the orphanage. Alice had her head down the whole time. They finally arrived, they walked up to the office.

"Um hello excuse me?"

Yugi said trying to get the receptionist attention because she was too busy painting her nails.

"Yeah just a minute hun"

Yugi narrowed his eyes at her and decided to look around and it looked more like a prison cell.

"Okay now what do you want?"

The lady said getting Yugi's attention.

"Yeah um this is Alice she gotten lost yesterday and..."

"And what you don't want her?"

"What? No i mean yes. I mean (sigh) she already had foster parents but she ran away"

"And what do you want me to do about it?"

She said annoyed, Yugi was stunned and glared at her but before he can respond another lady walked up looking more professional.

"Im sorry please excuse her. So what seems to be the problem?"

"Well from what i was told Alice used to be here until she was sent to foster parents but she ran away and so i found her and decided to bring her here"

"Oh I see. Well come on Alice, we'll get the medicine ready for you"

With that said Alice quickly ran behind Yugi's legs hugging him tightly. Yugi sensed her fear he could literally feel her shaking.

"I'm sorry medication?"

"Why yes, Alice here needs it"


"Because she is no ordinary girl"

Yugi looked down and see Alice with her eyes shut tightly tears gathering in the corners of her eyes.

"Can we talk in private?"

"Certainly, right this way"

The lady led Yugi to her office. Yugi bend down to Alice's level.

"Alice I want you to stay right outside the door okay"

Alice shook her head in fear.

"No I want to stay with you"

She cried throwing her arms around Yugi's neck tightly, Yugi sigh and carried her into his arms. He walked inside and sat down across the lady.

"We prescribe a sleeping medication for Alice"

"What for? What's wrong with her?"

"She doesn't sleep well, she claims she sees monsters and plus she is suicidal, so for to keep her calm we just put her to sleep"

"When does she wake up?"

"When she wakes up we give her food and then off to sleep she goes again"

She said happily with a smile, as for Yugi he was stunned.

"But how can you do that, she is just a little girl"

"Yes a little girl that's a maniac. If you ask me she is better off in the asylum"

Yugi glared angrily at the lady.

"That's not right"

"What even the foster parent's were planning to bring her back but you did the job for them"

She said tilting her head slightly. Yugi was lost in thought and finally made a decision.

"You know something, I'm gonna adopt Alice"

The smile remained of the lady's face.

"I'm pretty sure she will be back in less than a month"

"And I assure you she won't"

The lady gave Yugi forms to fill.

"We will visit you from time to time"

"Aren't you going to see if my home is acceptable?"

"Like I said Mr. Muto Alice will be back so there is no point"

Alice was still in Yugi's arms as they walked out of the office. Yugi placed her down and bend down on one knee.

"Alice you are going to come live with me. Would you like that?"

Alice happily nodded with a bright smile.

"Good now do you have anything here you want to take home?"

Alice shook her head.

"I'm not allowed to keep anything, they take everything away from me"

Yugi gave Alice a shy smile.

"Don't worry we can go shopping for anything you want, we are going to get you new clothes, shoes, toys, bed, etc"

Alice had a bright smile as they walked home hand in hand. Alice then tug on Yugi's hand to get his attention.

"Does this mean I can call you Daddy?"

Yugi blush

"I suppose if you want"

Alice stretched out her arms to Yugi as in a signal she wants to be carried, Yugi lift her up and Alice gave Yugi a kiss on the cheek and a hug, laying her head on his shoulder.

"I love you Daddy"

"Me too Alice"

A/N Rate and Comment.

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