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A/N I don't own Yugioh.

Since that weird night Yugi decided to keep a very close eye on Alice. The days went by and they were able to get rid of all the boxes out of the room. They were now currently shopping for the things Alice would need in the room.

Alice was on the shopping cart while Yugi pushed.

"So sweety, would you like a night light?"

"What does it do?"

"Well when its night time you plug this in and turn it on it will light up your room just a little so it won't be too dark"

Alice happily nodded as they continued shopping.

"Okay what kind of character you want to design your room?"

Alice looked at Yugi confused


"You know your favorite cartoon character"

"I don't know any. Can you pick it out for me. I'm sure i'll love whatever you pick out."

Yugi nodded and decided to go for a theme that's for girls but he was confused.

"Man I really need a girl for this job"

Alice looked up at her father and Yugi looked at her sheepishly.

"Sorry sweetheart but im gonna need a girl for this kind of job"

Yugi took out his cellphone and called Tea. A couple of minutes later Tea arrived.

"Awww look at her she is so adorable"

Tea said pinching Alice cheek. Alice just glared at her. Yugi tried to bring Tea back down to earth to remind her why he called her in the first place. After a while of shopping the total amount caused Tea's heart to skip a beat but for Yugi he had no problem paying for it.

As they walked out the store, Yugi offered Tea to go out and eat as a thank you. Tea happily accepted. They made it to Burger World, Yugi made the order for the three. As Yugi was making his way to the table with the order. He saw there was three people, there was someone else sitting next to his daughter. He shook his head and looked to see it was only two people.

Alice didn't bother on touching her food, her eyes remained on Tea glaring at her angrily.

"Daddy I want to go home"

"Not right now Alice, I'm talking to a friend and besides you haven't touched your burger"

Alice began pulling on Yugi's arm.

"I want to go home!"

She yelled and Yugi gave her a stern look.

"Alice i am serious sit down and be quiet"

She began to hear the voices again. Alice got on top of the table, grabbing the ketchup bottle and squirt it on Tea along with her drink.


Yugi yelled grabbing hold of her, everyone's attention was now on Yugi, Alice and Tea.

"She is going to hell!! Let go of me!!"

"Calm down!!"

Yugi then quickly took Alice outside. He bend down to look at Alice holding her hand tightly, she was trying desperately to get free. He then spoke in a low soft voice.

"Alice its me, can you hear me?"

Alice then stopped struggling and looked at Yugi confused as to why she was outside.

"Did I do something wrong?"

Alice didn't need Yugi to answer as she saw it in his eyes. Tears started to gather in Alice's eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

Yugi quickly pulled her into a tight hug, trying to calm her down.

"Its okay"

Alice shook her head.

"No it was the voices, they told me to do it, please you have to believe me. Don't send me away!!"

Alice cried. Yugi just remained hugging her, until Tea and the Waitress came out. Yugi turned to look at them, he stood up carrying Alice.

"I'm sorry for the mess and ruckus"

"Actually my boss told me to tell you that your banned from coming here"

Yugi gasp this was his favorite food place and was now banned. The waitress then walked back in and Yugi looked at Tea.

"Tea im sorry about this"

"Its okay Yugi maybe we should hang out without Alice around"

Yugi was about to respond until Alice pulled away slightly from Yugi and turned to look at Tea, with an angry look Alice flipped Tea off with her middle finger. Yugi quickly grabbed Alice hand putting it down as Alice turned around to lay her head on Yugi's shoulder. Tea was stunned.

"I don't think we should talk about her like that Tea. I'll talk to you soon. Bye"

Yugi then walked home carrying Alice in his arms. As we walked by people would say 'that's a cute set of twins'. Yugi would just ignore them but he was putting the pieces together.

'Maybe that other ghost girl that looks like Alice is the one telling to do bad things'

Yugi thought.

'Im gonna need to talk to her about being more respectful'

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