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A/N I don't own Yugioh.

Morning came too early for Yugi's taste. He woke Alice up and got her ready, they had a quiet breakfast because they knew what today was. The day they will be separated, for how long they're not sure. Together they walked to the orphanage and from their they were taken to the asylum.Through the whole time Alice kept her hold on her father.

The three were waiting for another lady to arrive until finally.

"Hello Ms. Jones"

"Hello to you too Ms. Rayne. Alice you remember Ms. Rayne right, she is going to be supervising you again"

Alice nodded in fear. Yugi was looking at the lady thinking hopefully she will bring no harm to his daughter. Ms. Rayne looked at Yugi.

"And this is?"

"Yugi Muto the one who adopted Alice."

Said Ms. Jones with a sneer. Alice angrily took one step forward.

"He's my daddy not my foster parent"

The two ladies just laughed, Yugi remained silent but sent a glare to both of them. Ms. Rayne made a slight cough clearing throat.

"Okay Alice lets go and get you changed"

"Is it okay if Daddy comes to?"

"Im sorry sweet pea but you know the rules"

Alice put her head down but this time Yugi spoke up.

"Please, I don't know when you guys will release her but at least permit this. Please for to bring her comfort"

Ms. Rayne took a moment to think and finally nodded. Together they left to get Alice's uniform. Yugi was on the verge of tears seeing his daughter dressed up in all white, he could easily see Alice was trying to be strong.

"Okay Alice, this is beyond the limit, your father can't go any further say good bye."

Yugi got down in one knee spreading his arms wide with tears trailing down his face. Alice quickly jumped into her father's arms sobbing.

"Daddy I don't want to go"

"I know, I know"

Yugi couldn't no longer keep his tears in as he sobs with his daughter.

"I'm not crazy daddy"

"I know that your not, your just a girl with a special gift"

Alice turned towards Ms. Rayne but still leaning in her father's arms.

"Can daddy come with me as you put me to sleep?"

"Alice I'm already doing too much at this point..."

She trailed off and looked between Yugi and Alice the bond they both share together. Nobody wanted Alice but here is a man that was willing to love this little girl no matter how different she is. Ms. Rayne let out a sigh and nodded.

They took Alice to her room in which she will be staying, she got into bed and Yugi snuggle in bed with her. They gave Alice the medication to go to sleep and waited for the time to fly. Alice looks up at her father.

"Daddy will you be here when I wake up?"

Yugi's voice was cracking but he swallowed the lump in his throat and answered.

"Yes I will"

Alice eyes were now half hooded.

"I'm just like that princess Aurora sleeping. Will you wake me up with a kiss too?"

Yugi smiled nodded as he stroke her hair.

"I love you daddy"

"I love you too princess"

With that said Alice fell asleep. Yugi closed his eyes and sobbed and he looked up at his daughter's sleeping form, he leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek one last time. He made his way to the door and scooted back as they closed it leaving his daughter in a small white room.

Ms. Rayne began to speak but Yugi zoned out as he made his way out of the asylum and back home to where he belong. He made his way to Alice room and got into bed to go to sleep hoping to wake from this nightmare. It was in the middle of the night he heard someone waking him up.

"Daddy. Daddy wake up I'm home"

Yugi opened his eyes slightly and looked to the edge of the bed there was Alice but Yugi wasn't fooled.

"You're not my daughter"

"Daddy how can you say that. I love you"

She cried rubbing her teary eyes. Yugi glared at the little girl and set up a little.

"Who are you?"

The little girl began to laugh

"Your good father. Well I'm actually the other personality of Alice"

"Are you the one telling her to do the bad things?"

"Of course not, I'm not the only spirit, there are other ones that are more scarier than me"

"Why are you here?"

"Because to be honest I don't know but what I do know is that I can bring you some comfort"

Yugi looked uncertain.

"I'm not evil, I'm just her friend"

Yugi then nodded as she ran and snuggle up to Yugi.

"I love you daddy"

"I love you too......Alice"

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