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A/N I don't own Yugioh

Yugi was just finishing closing up the shop sweeping the floor. He heard commotion coming from outside and saw a group of people looking up at the roof. Curiosity got the best of him and he went outside to see.

He gasp when he saw a little girl around 5yrs old standing on the edge of the roof. Instinct quickly kick in while other people were just recording or taking pictures. Yugi ran back inside while his Grandpa walked outside to see what's going on.

Yugi made it to the roof and saw the little girl. Unfortunately, the wind was blowing hard and with one wrong move or push the girl could fall.


The girl turned around to look at the person and glared at him.

"Step back, don't get any closer"

"Hey okay, i will, just step away from the edge and let's talk"

"There is nothing to talk about"

"Listen your parents might be worried about you"

"I don't have any parents"

Yugi was stunned how can any one leave their child. Yugi took a step closer.

"Okay just relax, my name is Yugi. What's yours?"

"My name is Alice"

"Its nice to meet you Alice."

The girl remained silent and turned around to look at the edge.

"Go away"

"Not until you get off that edge"

Alice turn to look at Yugi and smirk



Alice then jumped off the building, Yugi quickly ran and tried to stretch out his arm and catch her but he missed. Fortunately, Solomon Muto was there at the bottom, everyone gasp but Yugi's grandpa got ready to catch her.

When Alice reached the ground, she felt arms catch her. She opened her eyes to see it was an old man wearing a bandana.

"Well hello there"

Alice sigh angrily and Yugi sigh happily as he saw his grandpa catched Alice. Yugi came back down and notice that officers have arrived along with the news reporter, one walked up to him.

"Sir, is this your daughter?"

Yugi blushed

"No actually..."

But reporters got in the way and started asking Yugi questions in which he didn't get a chance to answer since all of them assume their own story to make it juicy. The officers were finally able to get the reporters away.

"Sir, please next time keep a close eye on your daughter"

He said walking away. Everyone disappeared, except for Solomon who was holding on to the girl's hand. Yugi let out a sigh and brought the girl inside.

"Alice, what were you thinking?"

Alice glared at the ground with her arms crossed around her chest. Yugi let out a sigh until he heard chuckling he saw his grandpa only laughing as he sees his grandson handling a 5yr old.

"If your not going to answer me, I'm afraid I'm going to have to take you to the orphanage"

At those words, Alice looked up at Yugi with fear in her eyes.

"No please, i'll be good"

"Fine, where did you came from?"

"My foster parents left me here next to your shop in the alley, which is where i found the way up to the roof"


"Because they said that the King of Games have lots of money and can be able to watch me. All they care about is money"

Yugi sigh as he thought about it. He had no other choice, he needed to take her back to the orphanage. Solomon came inside the living room with an orange juice cup

"Here you go my dear"

"Thank you"

Alice said politely grabbing the cup and taking a sip. Solomon smiled and then turned to his grandson.

"So what are you planning to do Yugi?"

"I have no other choice Grandpa, i need to take her back"

Alice over heard and threw her drink on the floor and glared angrily at Yugi on the verge of tears.

"I said i'll be good, don't take me back"

Yugi looked down.

"I'm sorry but I can't just take you in like that. I can get into a lot of trouble"

Alice then glared at the ground once more.

"I don't want to go back"

"I'm pretty sure they can take good care of you"

"No you don't understand, they are trying to keep me asleep. I don't want to go to sleep and you can't make me"

Yugi didn't know exactly what she was talking about but tomorrow he was going to ask questions.

"Okay listen tomorrow, I'm going to take you back to the orphanage and make sure they don't put you to sleep"

Surprisingly, Alice ran to Yugi hugging his leg with tears coming down her face.

"They hate me, they want to put me in a mean place. Don't let them take me"

Yugi bend down and gave Alice a comforting hug.

"Its going to be okay"

A/N Rate and Comment.

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