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A/N I don't own Yugioh.

Alice ran and ran until she got home. She came through the door causing it to slam catching Yugi and a lady in the room by surprise, but Alice ignored them and ran to the kitchen.

When Yugi heard the door slam open he was surprise to see Alice out of school early and it wasn't even the afternoon. He notice the mess she was in and he took notice that she ran towards the kitchen. He quickly followed ignoring the lady.

He stepped into the kitchen and gasp as he saw Alice on top of the counter grabbing hold of the kitchen knife. She held it up to her wrist but Yugi quickly tried to grab it from her.

"Alice no!!"

"I have to, I can't be here anymore!!"

She yelled.

"Alice put the knife down!!"

"Aaaaahhhhh!!!! Let me goooo!!!"

Alice was so desperate for the knife to get in contact with her skin she was blinded by rage that she failed to notice her father's arms were in the way. She brought the knife and she heard her father yelled.


Alice gasp and dropped the knife as she looked up at her father, he was in pain clutching his arm. Alice notice the blood

"Oh my gosh, Daddy I'm sorry, I'm i didn't mean for you to get hurt"

Yugi opened his eyes to look at his daughter and still managed to give her a smile.

"Its okay"

Alice looked at Yugi with tears going down her cheeks. Just then the lady was looking at the whole scene from the door way.

"Do you see now Mr. Muto she is a danger to herself and everyone around her. This just proved it she doesn't belong in the society"

Alice stood up and glared at the lady.

"Society is to blame. I try to be normal, i really did but they can't except me for who I am"

"Enough of this, let's go Alice"


Alice gasp taking a step back, Yugi got up and stood in front of Alice.

"You are not taking her from me"

"She belongs in the asylum"

"Please have a heart"

"I'm sorry but she can never belong"

Alice put her head down in shame.

"Just give me a day or two with her"

The lady shook her head

"No more. Don't think the incident about what happened at the Burger World went unnoticed​"

She began to step closer to Alice, but Alice went behind Yugi's legs clutching him tightly. Yugi wrapped a dish towel around his wound.

"Okay okay, i'll take her tomorrow, just let her stay with me tonight"

The lady thought for a moment debating.

"Fine and if you don't bring her the law enforcement will have to deal with you."

The lady said walking away.

"I'll show myself out"

The lady left leaving Yugi and Alice alone. Alice stepped away from behind Yugi's legs.

"Daddy your not going to let the mean lady take me right?"

Yugi didn't know what to say, he used to always have an answer but not anymore. He has grown attached to Alice and he actually sees her as a daughter. He looked down to see her in tears, how can he comfort her, to take her fears away.

"Daddy, Daddy please you said you love and if you love then you'll fight for me"

Hearing no response from her father, Alice began to cry. Yugi carried Alice up and took her to the couch.


Alice stopped crying but tears were still coming down. She looked up at him and he gave her a sad smile.

"For our last day, no more tears"

He said wiping the tears going down her cheeks with his thumb. Alice whimper and rubbed her eyes and nodded.

"So let me guess, you ran out of school?"

Alice nodded.


"The other kids were making fun of me"

Yugi sigh sadly

"I'm sorry I broke my promise to you"

Alice smiled and grabbed Yugi's face in her hand. He looked up to see her smiling face, his tears were begining to fall.

"No more tears daddy remember"

Yugi smiled

"Yeah your right. So what do you want to do?"

"To the zoo?"

"Then let's go"

Yugi then got up and went to restroom to get the first aid kit to clean the wound, once it was all bandaged up, Alice went running to Yugi and grabbed his wound arm and gave it a kiss.

"A kiss makes a boo boo go away"

Yugi smiled and carried her up with the good arm.

"Can Daddy get a kiss too?"

Alice happily smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"Me too daddy"

"Of course princess"

Yugi then gave Alice a kiss on the cheek.

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