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Tyler's POV

I didn't know what to think. I didn't even realize I kissed this guy back. I sort of , like, lost myself. I don't know why. I just did.

I felt my hands move to this guy's hips , I quickly let go and broke the kiss though. I mean I broke it so it's not that bad.

God I hope Josh isn't mad. He can't be right? Well maybe he will be. Damn it...

Josh's POV


Okay, okay calm down Josh. Just calm down. Maybe he didn't mean it. It didn't mean anything. OH HE JUST HELD ONTO HIS HIPS THAT IS IT! WHAT THE FUCK?! 


Okay but I can't just yell at him.
Just stay quiet. Don't say anything.

third person POV

Tyler smiled as the two broke away from each other.

"Sorry! I just had to... I I'm Mark. I uh well back in like 2009 I was a part of the group you gave your number to. We used to talk all the time." He explained and looked down at his feet.

"you always talked me out of harming myself. So I just wanted to thank you but I didn't really know how so I just uh yeah."

Tyler listened and remembered the group of people he was talking about. "Oh yeah! I remember. Sorry I just uh got a new phone so like all my stuff was gone. But yeah no it's all good man. No worries." Tyler talked with the boy for a good while. Meanwhile, Josh stood behind them, quiet. He clenched his fists but let it go after a bit.

"Yeah I just wanted to do that for a long, long time. So uh yeah thank you Tyler for everything. And hey, the way you played tonight was so sick!" Mark said turning his attention to Joshua.

"thanks man. Glad you liked the show. Now, Tyler and I gotta go. So see ya." Josh told the other boy and pulled Tyler away and back to their rooms.

Mark and Tyler didn't get to say good bye since Josh just pulled him away.

"Why so upset all of a sudden?" Tyler jokingly asked Josh.
"I'm not upset Ty." Josh responded coldly.

Josh stayed quiet while Tyler got dressed into some fresh clothes.

Tyler didn't know why he didn't speak to him, it didn't even cross his mind that it was about the kiss.
"Josh? What's wrong? Are you okay?"
Still no answer from Joshua.

After a few hours, the two returned to their hotel and at the time, they had chosen just one room. Now, Josh wanted his own room.

"Why do you want your own room? You were fine with sharing a room. " Tyler questioned but still, no answer from the Dun boy.

Tyler gave up and went to grab a glass of water. Josh also gave up on his own room and went to bed.

Tyler took the opportunity to see if he could make Josh talk. He climbed into bed with him and wrapped his arms around his waist. "Joshuuaaaa..." He whined.

Still, Josh didn't turn to face him and he didn't say anything either.
(Aeriel warning)
Tyler pouted and pulled up his shirt planting a few kisses on his back.
Seeing it still did nothing, Tyler turned to his other side and sighed.

Josh turned and pulled him close, scaring Tyler. Joshua kissed the brunette's neck and quickly took off his own shirt then Tyler's.

"why did you kiss him back?" Joshua asked as he pinned Tyler down.
"I know he kissed you but why did you kiss back?"

Tyler couldn't say anything, he was too overwhelmed.
He liked this side of Josh that he'd never seen before.
"I just... He, I don't.." Tyler choked out as Josh slowly pulled down his pants.

"we haven't done this in a while cause of the tour. But I think tonight is gonna be fun." The now naked Josh smirked.
Tyler's face became totally red as he smiled widely.

Josh pulled down Tyler's pants and underwear, planting a few kisses on the brunette's thighs.
Tyler let out a few squeaks of pleasure as he started to feel himself become erect.

Joshua also started to get hard and winked at Tyler.
"Now, since I am... Mad...at you. It'll be just a bit rough."

"What? No, wait I'm sorry Josh. Joshy no you know I didn't like that last time." Tyler whined and moved around a bit.

"well last time that was on me. But this time it's all on you." Josh countered and pulled Tyler towards him. Joshua moved his legs up so Tyler was wide open.

Tyler shut his eyes and bit down on his lip waiting for the sudden rush of pain and pleasure to kick in.
Josh spat into his hand and rubbed his hard member, looking Tyler in the eye. 

He gave an evil smirk then pushed his member inside of Tyler. The way in was the roughest part of it all. The rest wasn't as bad.

Josh bit his lip in pleasure, closing his eyes. Tyler gasped then covered his mouth. Josh was determined to make tyler go loud. No matter what.

Tyler didn't want to be heard by anyone else so he tried to keep quiet best he can.

Josh saw him do that and got frustrated, making him start his thrusting motion fast and rough.

He grunted as he pushed himself as far in as he could, making Tyler practically scream into his hands.

Josh's satisfied face was all Tyler saw as he was being pounded by his angry, frustrated partner.

"Josh slow..down a bit...Joshua...slower..." Tyler repeated over and over but Josh didn't listen. He kept on and on with his own, rough pace.

"Joshua....I'm ... I can't hold it in anymore." Tyler mumbled as he neared his climax after almost two hours of being fucked by Josh.

"Me neither ty. Im almost there..." Josh grunted as a response.



The two boys moaned out loudly as they both reached their limits and climaxed over each other.

Josh laid down next to Tyler and kissed the brown haired boys neck.
Tyler smiled weakly as the blue haired boy kissed his body.

The two were completely exhausted, as they fell asleep holding each other closely.

(K well that's my first time uh using smut in a story. So yeah sorry if it's crappy but it had to be done. Also first LONG chapter ever! Yay me!)

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