Pizza, tears, and dog baths

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Note: this chapter does a flashback toward the middle so the part in italics is Grace's flashback WHILE she's telling Michael what has happened to her :) also the "------" indicates a switch in points of view, "..." is a break in time. Okay that's all, happy reading:)


She snores. Loud. I had trouble sleeping last night due to the amount of noise she was making but I couldn't bring myself to leave the room and sleep on the couch. She needed me in here regardless if she knew it or not.

I laid on my side, balancing myself on my arm to see what time my alarm clock said on the night stand.


My alarm would've gone off soon anyway. I got up quietly as to not disturb her and made my way to the bathroom to get ready for work. After I showered and got changed, I made my way into the kitchen to start coffee and make some toast.

I usually left around 7 to avoid any possible morning traffic but I decided to leave at the last minute possible in case she woke up. After it hit 7:17am I knew I would have to go or else I'd be late. I scratched a note on a piece of paper trying to make it as neat as possible.

Gone to work. Be back at 3, food in the fridge, keep doors locked and Roscoe inside.

I paused before adding: don't open the door for anyone and no one can get in unless you let them. Before signing the note and leaving it on the counter. 



It was quiet when I woke up, the light was poking through the curtains and I stretched deeply before looking around the room and remembering where I was.


I'd come over yesterday after getting out of Josh's apartment.


My stomach dropped at the thought of him. I wonder how upset he was when he realized I was gone.

"He can't find you here." I reminded myself aloud. Just like Michael said, no one can get in here.

I swung my legs over and crawled out of bed stepping over he's smelly dog before making my way to the kitchen. I tiptoed across the floor to keep my feet from completely touching the cold wood.

"Michael?" I whisper yelled in the quiet house. I tiptoed further peaking around the corner of the laundry room, "Michael?"

My eyes caught a piece of paper sitting on the counter. I read the note over and over again before folding it up and putting it back in it's place. I took a seat at the kitchen bar and rested my arm on the counter. I literally had all day in this house by myself, what was I even supposed to do?

I heard the sound of clicking dog feet across the hardwood floor and frowned at the sight of Michael's dumb dog. He sat at my feet panting heavily as I kicked my foot in his direction to get him to go away. Despite my intense foot wagging he continued to sit, making a playful noise before he pawed at the ground.

I smiled, "Roscoe," I sang his name, "come're..." His tail wagged at the attention.

And just then I got the great idea on what I was going to do today.



I twirled my keys on my finger as I walked up to the front door before unlocking it and making my way inside.

"Manda? I'm back!"

Right as I set my keys on the kitchen counter I heard a little scream then a, "can you stay STILL", followed by a string of curse words and splashing noises.

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