Tangled back in that crazy mess he calls hair

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I concentrated on her face as I stood between her legs while she sat on the bathroom counter running the razor carefully across my face.

Apparently it was the "ultimate trust game", and that if I could trust her to hold a blade to my throat I could trust her to do anything.

"Are you almost done?" She wiped the blade on the towel for the millionth time before grabbing my chin and sharply turning my face to the right.

"Could you shut up please?"

I sighed and leaned my weight in more, shifting closer. I was outwardly complaining but honestly I was glad she'd offered. We'd gotten close on this little road trip which actually turned into a big road trip. It was day three and we'd gotten a hotel room after spending the one night on the beach. I promised her that the last night before we go home we'd sleep in the back of the jeep just one more time.

She scoot forward a little more on the counter, "come in more, the lighting is bad in here." She squinted more while running the blade up my chin.

"Please don't kill me Grace."

She shot me a death glare and shushed me before going back to concentrating.

The bruises around her eyes had faded quite a bit, just leaving slight shadows underneath that she had been covering with makeup.

"Okay," she wiped my face off with the towel on her lap, "all done."

I stood there a little longer, scanning her arms which were almost back to normal, lightly covered in faded bruises.

She frowned raising an eyebrow and kicked lightly at my shins, "okay, move." She hopped down and stretched, my borrowed shirt raising up on her thighs. "Is it ever going to stop raining?"

She walked back out into the room looking out the window, "this is stupid," she pouted, falling back on the bed.

"We could just order a movie on the television and order something in if you want."

She rolled over on her stomach, "do you think there would be any good Chinese food takeout places in this dink town anyway?" She began rummaging in the bedside drawer for menus before pulling out a Chinese food menu.

She rolled, hanging upside down and propped her legs on the wall, "I say we order one of everything."

I sat on the floor by her dangling head, "one of everything huh?"

"I didn't eat breakfast, do you like noodles or rice more?"

"I thought you said one of everything. You're going to pass out with all that blood rushing to your head like that."

She ignored me, "I think we should get both rice and noodles and two kinds of chicken and maybe they have spring rolls."

"Doesn't every Chinese place have spring rolls."

"There's a difference between egg rolls and spring rolls Michael I hope you know that." She rolled back over and sat upright, "here I circled what we're getting," she handed me the menu.

"Thanks for consulting me first on what I wanted," I reached for my phone to call in the order.

"You're welcome," she ran her hand through my hair before standing back at the glass door, "what are we gonna feed the mutt?"

We had to sneak Roscoe on the balcony since the hotel didn't allow dogs, we were only staying here one more night anyway.

"I'll run back to the store and get him something to last him until tomorrow."

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