People should, in some ways, be like flowers. Now, I want to warn you, that what I'm about to be talking about is a very touchy subject and I want to say that I mean no harm or disrespect when I say the things that I say, and if you don't want to read this chapter because you feel uncomfortable or disrespected, I completely understand and wish you have the best day every day. You've been warned:
When you're looking at flowers, what would you usually say? For this chapter-which I'm absolutely terrified to release out into the world-I'm going to be talking about my perspective of things, same probably would go for the rest of the chapters. If I were looking at flowers, I would say, "Wow, all these flowers look absolutely beautiful!" Or something along those lines. Now, I'm going to assume that most people would say the same thing. When you look at a flower, does it matter how it looks? The answer is no. Flowers don't care about how they look, because I'm pretty sure they already know they're beautiful. Flowers don't dress like something they're not just to impress someone. Flowers don't hate on other flowers because the other flower looks differently than them. Flowers have a job to do, and that's what they focus on doing. In some ways, I guess you could say I admire flowers. Some people, however, do these things that flowers don't do. I can understand why people care about how they look, but what I can't understand is why people dress (and mostly act) different so they can impress someone. Why would you do it? To be popular? To get that special someone's attention? To make a new you? Well, for situations one and two, dressing and acting differently will NOT solve anything! They'll like you, but you will always have the guilt that they don't like you for you! And are you truly happy, being something you're not, knowing you could do so much better? Being the best you that you could be is an important thing in life. Don't be afraid to be yourself, you are already gorgeous. And if you're a guy-you're very handsome. It really doesn't matter what is on the outside, the inside is where it really counts. And for situation three, if you want to improve yourself for the better, then I fully support you. As long as that change is a good change and it makes you happy, then I say go for it. Now, I'm about to get into the part I was really scared of, you've been warned again. I want to talk about why there is no need for racism. Have these people forgotten about Martin Luther King jr.? You don't judge a flower by it's color, so why would you judge a human? I think people don't realize that white people have the same capability of doing things that black people do. I think that people who are racist have never met an awesome black person, and are maybe blinded by a bad experience they've had. So, I'm going to go back to flowers. Be like them. Be unique. Be yourself. Don't body shame or be racist. Thank you for listening to me ramble, and enjoy the rest of your day, chapter 3 will come out soon.
The Things I've Longed To Say.
RandomTitle describes the story. No more, definitely no less.