Chapter 12

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(Emma's P.O.V.)

My heart drops. What does Hook mean? Does he even like me anymore?

"Wh-what are you implying?" I stutter.

"I'm just saying we shouldn't be together until you are sure you have chosen me over Neal or anyone else," Hook says.

I look into his eyes. Tears have already began coming out of mine, and I can tell that his eyes are watering as well.

"Would I be wrong in saying that you still have feelings for Neal?" he asks.

"N-no.." I struggle to say.

There a few awkward moments of silence. Hook sighs.

"That's uh, that's what I thought," Hook stutters," but look, there's no need for things to be awkward. Just for now let's return to as we were before. Lets just, change the topic."

He looks like he is trying to think straight as if he has something to remember.

After a few seconds he continues,"There is a villain. A horrible villain. She has captured your parents and Neal. You're the only one who can save them." He reaches into a bag and pulls out a bottle.

"Is that a..." I begin.

"A portal?" he says," indeed it is. Not a normal portal. When you hop through the portal, you only have 24 hours to get back to the land that you came from. If we don't get back before the 24 hours are up, we will die."

Sorry this is so short!! I will update ASAP. thank you SOOOO MUCH FOR 300 Reads!!!!! Keep up the voting, following, reading, and commenting!!! ILYASM😘

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