Chapter 26

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Hook's P.O.V.

"Father?!" I exclaim.

"Aye, that I am," he replies.

I can't believe he is here. How did he get here? What does he want with me?

"What do you want?" I question.

"So, who's the girl?" he asks without answering my question.

I roll my eyes.

"She has nothing to do with you," I exclaim," now answer my question!"

"I came here to see my sons of course. Where's Liam?" he asks.

"If you wanted to see us so badly, you should've done that a LONG time ago! Liam died hundreds of years ago- something you would've known if you hadn't abandoned us!" I say.

"You want to know why I really abandoned you?" my father exclaims," I abandoned you because you killed your mother! The only love in my life!"

"My mother? I never had a mother," I tell him.

"Don't be ridiculous Killian, everyone has a mother! She died giving birth to you! If it weren't for you, I would've been happy with her and Liam right now," he yells.

"Father, I know you lost someone you love but this has nothing to do with me! Vengeance isn't the answer, believe me," I inform my father.

"Oh yeah? And what would you know about vengeance? What would you know about losing someone near to you?" my father asks.

"Well for starters, I was abandoned as a child! I grew up without a mother or father. My brother died right in front of me. I fell in love with a woman named Milah, but she also died in my arms. I spent longer than I care to recall, seeking revenge on the one that killed Milah, but then I realized than revenge is not the answer. It won't make you happy. You can find somebody else if you open yourself up to it," I explain.

My father goes silent for a moment then begins to speak.

"That woman from a few minutes ago," he says," you love her, don't you?"

I don't respond.

Then he repeats himself louder this time.

"You love her, don't you!?"

I nod my head.

"Well then," he says," I know what I'm going to be doing today."

He walks away with a grin on his face.

"Father no!" I plead," Father please! You can't do this!"

"Watch me," he says before going completely out of sight.

"Nicely done," I hear a British woman voice whisper from where my father ran off to.

I finally updated! Sorry I haven't done a new chapter in a while! ILYASM😘❤😘

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