Chapter 5 - Never, Ever, Ever Watch Chucky (And Expect To Like It)

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Wednesday is pretty much an average day in my new life as the kind of popular dating the most popular guy in school girl I've suddenly become. It's fun, mostly because people talk to me and no one hits me.

I know I promised a bunch of people that I'd be there this afternoon, including Nate who this morning came up to me and kind of hugged me and said he was sorry and that he was overjoyed I was coming. This guy is weird beyond belief. Anyway, everyone saw, and, of course, the moment I'm dating Seth, have tutored Caleb (somehow everyone knows...?) and hugged Nate in the corridor, I'm pretty much the new Queen Bee.

Zara texted me last night, asking me if I wanted to hang out this weekend. I said yes. She's obviously looking for a new friend, since she's kind of lost Caitlyn by coming over to the good side.

This morning I spent a lot of time deciding on an outfit. I actually care about what I wear nowadays. Seth's taking me directly to Nate's. There's about seven other people coming. The weird thing is, most of these people barely know my real name. But I've waited so long for this I don't even care. It's my chance to shine, and in a way more than academically.

Leaving is somewhat of an ordeal, since some people don't have transport since they live close and walk, so people have to share. I stay with Seth and his bike, but Eliza ends up behind Nate, Zara behind Jack, and Carter, much to his dismay, behind Caleb.

It's quite funny actually, seeing the faces they both pull. Nate slaps Caleb and tells him to grow up. Zara slaps Carter, who goes red, and manages to elbow Jack in the ribs. Jack pushes him off the bike and both Caleb and Carter topple off. I burst into laughter at the same time as Eliza.

"You bunch of retards." Ashlyn speaks up, leaning against her 4x4. Zara races over to her, Carter close behind, mostly to avoid being hit by Caleb, who's rubbing his elbow painfully.

"Shit." Carter articulates. "Now I have to ride with these two?"

"You can always come back with me." Caleb pats the seat behind him and starts making kissing faces at him. Carter cringes.

"I'll stick with the girls." He says. I note Eliza doesn't move away from Nate with a smile. They used to date. She's always been nice to me, and Nate's not so bad now he's changed his mind, so I think they're good.

We finally get there, the whole troupe, and get into Nate's house. I swear his parents are never actually there.

"Seth, Caleb, stay here." Nate says. "The rest of you, you know where to go."

Eliza comes over to me. She's obviously been here before. "He has this really cool basement." She explains. "One of the rooms is set up like a cinema. We come here often."

"That's cool." I say meekly. She laughs. "So, what's on with you and -" I cough and she blushes.

"Uh... Nothing much. We just get along well." She says. It's my turn to laugh this time.

"Cool." I say again, a bit more confidently. She smiles, obviously not minding too much. We go down a flight of stairs, Zara teasing Carter and Jack behind us. Ashlyn falls into step with Eliza and I.

"It's nice that you're here." She says to me.

"It's scary to think about it." I reply and they both laugh. I've been developing a very weird sense of humor recently, but people seem to like it, and it makes them laugh, so all's good.

We get down into a dark room, well, dark until Carter hits the lights. Eliza was right. It is a home cinema, only, instead of seats there are a few sofas and loveseats. It's cute, and practical, and it feels cosy.

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