Chapter 12 - Stolen Away

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We're cut off by Seth pulling out the cable. "That is it. I have tolerated three hours of bad music from you two now, it is my turn."

"Knowing Seth it's going to be something like David Bowie." I whisper to Eliza. He glares at me and I laugh. Luke protested so heavily against riding in the back again that I had to sit with Seth while the rest of them pile in complaining. Excuse me, I'm the one who should be complaining here.

Nate plugs the cable back in and the song comes back on. Eliza bounces up in her seat. "WE KNEW EVERY LINE, NOW I CAN'T REMEMBER-"

"Someone stop this." Seth mutters under his breath.

"Don't worry." I say, grinning at him. "Just think of it as an enriching music session. You never know when it'll come in handy."

"This is utter crap." Luke says in response.

"Aw, come on, only ten minutes left." Eliza says in response. "Then you can retire to your room and listen to whatever bullshit you guys like."

"Compared to this-" Caleb starts but Nate shrugs and he stops.

"It doesn't matter, guys. We're not going to die for ten more minutes of this."

"Tell me about it." Eliza mumbles. Caleb sighs as we change song, moving onto Let It Go.

"You know what, I think I actually prefer One Direction over this." Luke mutters when the song is over. Eliza sniggers softly before Best Song Ever comes on again.

When we finally get there Caleb is pretending his ears are bleeding, Luke is in a permanently grumpy mood, and Seth has a headache. I snap out my Polaroid, taking a shot of the three of them, then hand it to Caleb.

"Here's a memory of the car journey." Eliza bursts out laughing as Caleb pulls a face but pockets the picture. I feel someone behind me and Seth tugs on my hand.

"Can I have one?" He asks with a smile.

"Nope." I grin, putting it back away. He leans over me, tickling my sides gently.

"Come on."

"No." I repeat, turning and kissing his cheek, then pulling away. He grabs my hand as I sling my bag over my shoulder and follow Nate, Eliza and Caleb into Nate's house. Once again, there's no one there, no parents, no siblings, no one at all except us six.

He turns on the lights as we walk in and Luke immediately flops on a sofa, groaning softly and pressing his hands over his ears.

"Grow up." Eliza says to him, jumping onto the counter on the kitchen and swinging her legs, grabbing a packet of M&M's and opening it. "Is anyone going to get any food?"

"We're ordering pizza as soon as the others get here." Nate answers her, ditching his bags in the doorway.

"Others?" I ask Seth softly.

"Ashley, Zara and Carter. They couldn't come to the beach but they're staying the night now."


"We'll be upstairs for a minute." Seth says to Nate, who shrugs with the same expression of do-you-really-have-to, and then grabs my wrist, dragging me up the stairs and into a room. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I just feel like I've reached my daily dose of being with people who supposedly despise me."

"I get it." He says softly.

"It's tiring, you know."

"I understand." He says, sitting down on the edge of the bed. I sit next to him almost immediately.

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