Chapter 16 - Things Are Better

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I don't get back home until eight o'clock at night. As I open the front door and wave bye to Seth, I realise I hadn't even told my parents how long I would be out for.

I'm met by my mother.

"Thanks for calling, Zoe." She says tiredly. "You've been spending way too much time out recently."

I roll my eyes at her.

"Sorry for not calling, but it's not like I'm back late. Where's dad?"

She frowns and doesn't answer, bustling through to the kitchen. Right. I guess I'll just have to find him, then. I head up to my room, drop my phone and jumper and head back down to find him.

He's in his office, his eyes fixed on some papers. "Zoe, it's about time. Don't you have work to do?"

"I also have the whole of tomorrow to do it."

"Just remember how important this year is for you, Zoe."

"I know, Dad. My studies are literally the least of your worries." I gulp while saying that. "What happened with Mum?"

"Nothing major." He says, but I can see in his eyes he's lying through his teeth. I raise an eyebrow. "We just had another argument, Zoe, you know how it is."

"You've got to stop. It has a bigger effect on me than you imagine. Also, it's half eight on a Saturday. You shouldn't be working right now and you know it."

"Do you think money grows on trees, Zoe? Where do you think all the money you're spending on clothes and dresses to go out with your boyfriend is coming from?"

"If I were you, I would be glad that I'm finally fitting in." I spit in anger. My mother appears behind me. "You too. You say I should be studying, even though you know full well I spent the whole afternoon yesterday studying. You both keep trying to make me feel bad because I have friends and I go out or something."

"Zoe, we're not trying to make you-"

"Yes, you are. Do you even realise how unhappy I've been in this godforsaken country?" I pause for breath, watching their faces. My mother looks crushed: my fathers is impassive. "You should be glad I'm finally fitting in at school. You should be glad I'm finally having the life I wanted."

"All we're saying, Zoe, is that perhaps this isn't the best year to be focusing on friends and partying. You know how important your grades are-"

"Do you think I'm not going to do well? Do you really think I'm going to fail or something-"

"It's not whether you fail or not, it's how good they are." My mum intervenes.

"WHAT IF I'M SICK OF BEING LITTLE MISS PERFECT ALL THE TIME?" I shout before storming up to my room. I hesitate before calling Seth. After all, he only dropped me off like twenty minutes ago, and he might have plans. But I call him anyway.

"Zoe?" He answers on the second ring. "Is something wrong?"

"Yes. Something is very wrong?"

"Are you okay?"

"I'm okay physically, so don't freak."

"What happened?" His voice is getting more panicky with each question he asks me.

"I got into an enormous row with my parents." I say. "And I don't know if I can face them after this."

"Do you want to come over?"

"I don't want to bother you, but if that's okay."

"Of course it's okay. My parents aren't in. My mothers away for business and my father is out with friends. I'll be there in twenty max, okay? You can stay the night if you want."

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