Chapter 7 - Just Warm Is Fine

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I wake up in my room. Huh? I thought for this kind of stuff you go to hospital. You know, when you feel like you were run over by a truck? Aren't you supposed to go to hospital if you've been run over by a truck? Have I been run over by a truck?

The light hurts as I crack my eyes open, just the tiniest bit. "Zoe!" Seth almost exclaims in triumph. "God, are you okay?"

I close my eyes again. Then I open one eye.

"Was I run over by a truck?" I finally ask him. He smiles sadly.

"No. I'm afraid you had a nasty encounter with Luke."

Oh yes. I remember that. Luke. Right. So it wasn't a truck. It was just a very fucked-up and violent teenage boy.

He lies down on his side so he's facing me, next to me, propping his head up on his hand. "So I take it you're not feeling great?" He asks me. I shake my head, and I'm taken aback by the stab in my neck. Damn. This mother-fucking hurts. "I have just one question at the moment. Did he try to strangle you?"

My hand immediately goes to my throat, and there's a couple of sore spots on it as I feel for major injuries.

"There were finger marks on your neck before, a couple of them have bruised lightly." He informs me.

"I'll explain in a minute." I say, my throat dry. "How long was I out for?"

"It's nine at night."

"My parents..."

"They arrived a while ago. Your mother was all for rushing you off to A&E, but between your father and I we convinced her you'd be okay. It's just some bruises, mostly, though some pretty nasty ones."

"What did you tell them?" I ask, trying to prop myself up on my elbows. To my relief, my arms seem fine and I can do it without problems. My chest hurts though, and so does my neck.

"Uh..." He looks down awkwardly. "That you got hit by a bike."

"Seriously?" I say, trying to keep my voice down.

"I didn't want to get into a mess, or tell them anything they didn't know." He trails off, obviously hoping he did the right thing.

"Thank you." I say, putting an arm around him. He pulls me closer and kisses my forehead. As I move again I realise I'm not wearing the same trousers as I was before. "Did you change my trousers?"

His face goes a bit pink. "I had to check your legs because you could barely stand." He shrugs, pulling away. "There's a bruise on your ankle, and a couple on your shins, but overall nothing serious."

"Thanks for staying." I say. He smiles.

"Even if you've done this before without me, now that I'm here I wasn't just going to leave you."

"Thanks." I say again. "And I'm sorry for what I said. You know, before, about not needing you."

"You had a point, Zoe, and you had the complete right to say it." He looks away again. "I'm never going to be able to transmit to you how sorry I am, but I really care about you, Zoe, and I'm sorry you got hurt again." His jaw clenches as he pauses. "I promise, I promise with all my heart it won't happen again."

I gulp. "That's what you said last time." I point out.

"I know. And I shouldn't have. And I should have expected Luke would be after you, after what happened on Sunday. I'm so sorry about it." He reaches out for me again and presses me tight to him.

"It's okay Seth. It's too late to protect me now."

"I know, but I can't let this happen to you again!" He bursts. "I was so proud of how it had all turned around for you that I didn't even stop to think that there was still a threat out there!"

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