Chapter 19 - Dream Come True

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Seth and I arrive the last at the hall. We don't do it on purpose, we just... Well, got a little caught up by each other. No, don't take it that way. It was him fixing his hair, and me fretting about my make up. Last time it was different.

This time I have to look good. I feel like a princess in my dress, to be honest. I'm so glad Eliza and the others actually went back and got it for me, because this night wouldn't be complete without it.

Seth's pendant hangs at my neck, and I'm wearing the same silver heels I wore last time. The only difference is that this time you can't see my feet, while last time you could.

Glancing around, I see girls in all kinds of dresses, but none is quite like mine. Mine is unique in the sense that it looks old fashioned. It pulls in my waist, but not so much that I can't breathe, and it highlights my pitiful curves, but not to a slutty extent.

Most of the girls around me are wearing short sparkly dresses, while I look almost regal. Seth "loves" the dress, apparently. I have a complete feeling of deja-vu as people turn around stare at me and Seth.

Everyone obviously knows, by now, but that doesn't mean people still aren't puzzled by it. Or annoyed by it. Some people are annoyed by it, and a lot of girls are jealous, too.

"I am so glad you decided on this dress." Zara says to me as we near them. She's standing very, very close to Carter. Suspiciously close. In fact, they're holding hands. I smile at her, and she blushes a bit. She's wearing a red dress which suits her.

"You're going to be voted couple of the night again." Eliza moans from behind us, dragging Nate along behind her.

"Say some of the people who have had a lifetime of receiving the honour." I mutter. "Like I care, anyway." I do care, in fact. It felt nice to win that last time. "Anyway, I think people are jealous."

"As if anyone could be jealous of such a scarecrow." I hear from behind me. Seth squeezes my hand and then lets go, turning around. I don't turn, but stay perfectly still.

"Caitlyn, you could be a bit more discreet about the fact that you're jealous of this." He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I still don't turn around.

"That's true, she's always liked you." Caleb adds, stepping up next to Seth. I raise an eyebrow. They're defending me against her? Caleb too?

"No, that's not true." Caitlyn says, but her voice goes a little high pitched at the end of the sentence. "I don't like you."

"So then why do you still have a problem about this?" Seth asks, leaning in and pressing his lips against mine. I turn around then. Caitlyn is wearing one of the shortest, sparkliest, and most elaborate dresses I've ever seen. I swear there's ostrich feathers on that thing.

It makes mine look humble in comparison. Also, while mine covers most of my body, Caitlyn's does exactly the opposite. She is obviously trying to appeal to somebody, and it better not be Seth.

"NO problem." She says with a very fake smile, coughing a little. I smile to myself.

"Who'd have thought it, huh?" I say suddenly. "You're jealous of the Zerd, aren't you, Caitlyn?"

She takes one look at me, glares, and sashays off. God, I hate people who sashay. Seth rolls his eyes before turning to me and taking both my hands in his.

"Please don't let this ruin the night for you." He says quietly, leaning in so our foreheads are just touching. "She's just jealous, trust me."

"I know. It's getting pretty clear by now."

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