Chapter Six.

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I got a date with my baby tonight and I'm excited.

I feel kinda bad leaving Bri here alone but she swears that she'll be okay. I've been trying to pick Normani for details about our date but she isn't telling me anything. I have to meet her in an hour and I will don't know what to wear. The only thing I have on is my boxers and socks.

"Bri can you come in here for a minute?" I yelled.

"You rang sir?" Bri asked.

I turned around as Bri was stuffing her face with a bowl of mac and cheese. "You always eating something." I said.

"So? Now why did you drag me all the way up here and put some damn clothes on. I'm not trying to see all of your junk." Bri said.

"Anyway, I got a date with Normani tonight and I don't what to wear." I said.

"Step aside and let me work brother ." Bri said.

Bri handed me her bowl of Mac and cheese and I stepped out of the way. I sat down on the bed and waited to see what Bri would pick for me. After waiting five minutes Bri came out of the closet with a full outfit picked out for me. I handed her the bowl and started putting the clothes on. When I was done I stood in the mirror and looked at myself.


"I feel like I'm about to meet her family for the first time

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"I feel like I'm about to meet her family for the first time." I said.

"Hey you never know what Normani might have up her sleeve for your ass." Normani said.

"This really isn't my style but I dig it, you got good taste." I said.

"Thank you, I do my best." Bri said.

"So what are you gonna do while I'm out?" I asked.

"Umm Dinah's gonna come over and hangout, that's cool right?" Bri asked.

"Yeah that's perfectly fine." I put on my watch and asked, "You got a crush on Dinah don't you?"

Bri nervously chuckled and looked away, "N-No I don't like her, we're just friends. Besides I'm scared of getting with anybody especially because of my past." She said.

"She hasn't asked you about that have you?" I asked.

"No and I'm afraid to tell her." Bri said.

"I know how you feel, there's stuff from my past that I'm afraid to share with Normani. I really like her and I don't want her to look at me differently once she finds out about the real me." I said.

"Well try not to worry about that tonight, have fun with your girl, and make sure you use protection. I am not ready to be an auntie." Bri said.

I chuckled and shook my head, "Normani and I aren't even having sex and I'm okay with that. I just wanna get to know her on an emotional level before we start getting physical with each other." I said.

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