Chapter Forty-Six.

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Normani's POV

The crazy bitch in me is slowly dying and I'm fine with that. So Bri has lost her memory and it has shaken up our entire circle. But we do what families do in a time of crisis, we come together. Each of us spends time with Bri and we try to jog her memory. So far she's had little flashbacks about her childhood but nothing that's happened recently.

She has had a spazz out and it was scary. At first we didn't wanna tell her the truth about her past and the doctors were against it but Bri begged us to tell her the truth so we did.

As fucked up as this may sound I like the calm, sensitive version of Bri. When I go sit with her she asks me about my day, we talk without arguing, and we just get to know each other better. Even though I'm still getting over my jacked up leg I still go to the hospital and see her.

The girls and I had a recording session today, it was very successful and now I'm on the elevator on my way to see Bri. Before I came here I stopped by the store and picked Bri up some more snacks, also, lately she's been fascinated with coloring books so I bought those too. I also find one of those cute little children's keyboards for her to play. When I walked into the room Bri was sitting by the window coloring in her coloring book.

"What's up picasso?" I asked.

Bri looks dup at me and smiled, "Hey Mani. I was just finishing up a picture. You wanna see it?" She asked.

"Sure." I said.

I walked over to Bri and sat next to her on the couch, Bri had just colored a very beautiful picture of the Peanuts gang. "Hey that's pretty nice." I said.

"Thank you. I like the boy with the blanket, he's pretty nice." Bri said.

"That's Linus Van Pelt and his blanket." I said.

Bri giggled, "He has a funny name, but I like it." She said.

"I bought you some goodies." I said. I opened my book bag and took the things outs. Bri clapped and went straight for the sketch pad I had bought for her.

She cracked open her box of color pencil and began drawing. I just sat back and watched her draw. Bri wasn't drawing anything she was just fiddling on the page. Then she started humming as she drew, it took me a meant to realize that she had a pair of black wireless beats on. Bri had completed locked in on her art and I didn't want to mess with her so I just slid back for and let her do her thing. I was playing around on my phone when I received a call from an unknown number. I took a chance and I answered it.


"Hello Barbara this is Shirley." The woman said.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Umm I'm afraid you've got the wrong number, Shirley." I said.

"Bitch it's me Ashley, I just wanted to do that to you for fun." Ashley said.

I sucked my teeth and crosses my leg, "What can I do for you La Vida Loca?" I asked.

"Stereotypical much? Anyway I'm just calling to warn you. Don't try any shit with my bae okay." Ashley said.

"Ashley I would never try that." I said.

"You said you'd never kiss her but you did." Ashley said.

I sighed and rubbed my temples, "Are you done?" I asked.

"Yes, see you in a few." Ashley said before hanging up.

I put my phone away and elevated my leg on the chair in front of me. Bri was still humming and coloring in her sketch pad. I noticed that Bri was only using the darker colors on the picture. I tapped her on the shoulder and she took out her headphones. "What's up?" Bri asked.

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