Chapter Thirty-Eight.

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Look at him, knocked the fuck out. I don't know what kind maneuver Ashley put on him this time but I liked. Since Y/N told me I could do whatever I wanted to Blair I decided to take full advantage of that. I had Ashley subdue him, then I put him in the back of my truck and carried him to the hood. My old boss has a warehouse there so that's where we are. I got a crowbar, napalm, pliers, jumper cables, a gallon of water, and a machete.

There's so many things I wanna do to this guy I just don't know where to start. I put on my gloves and pimp slapped Blair, I always keep my pimp hand strong at all times. Blair woke up and looked around the room.

"Hey buddy." I said cheerfully.

"Bri where the hell am I?" Blair asked.

"The last pit stop before you get to hell." I said.

Blair tried to get up but he couldn't because he was bound to the chair. I laughed in his face and pimped slapped him again. I sat down in front of him and took my cigarette from behind my ear and put it in my mouth. "You want one?" I asked.

"No I wanna go home." Blair said.

"That's not what I asked you Booger, I asked you if you wanted a cigarette." I said.

"No." Blair said.

"Now what?"

Blair whined, "No thank you." He said.

"Nigga that's all you had to say damn. I thought you would be a little nicer considering these are your last moments on earth but boy was I wrong. You're still a rude ass bastard." I said.

"Why are you gonna kill me?" Blair asked.

I sighed and lit the cigarette, "You know what you did Bugle Boy. You went snooping into my brother's personal life and tried to split him up with Normani. You disrespected him, you disrespected me, and you betrayed Normani's trust. Those are some pretty serious offenses bud." I said.

"I never betrayed Normani's trust, I love her!" Blair said.

I picked up the crowbar and bashed Blair's crotch with it. "I hope you didn't plan on having kids." I said.

Blair whimpered and leaned back on the chair. I let out a laugh and bought you crowbar down on his right hand, then his left. "Ahhh Stop it!" Blair yelled.

"You want some more? Okay!"

I banged Blair's hands a few more times, by the time I was done his hands were nice and purple. "Looks like you won't be taking pictures or jacking off anytime soon either." I said.

Blair started crying and I didn't feel bad for him at all. I took the jumper cables and attached them to his nipples. I turned on the little box and sent a couple of thousand volts through his ass. I shocked him a few times then took the jumper cables off of him. I took the machete out of the sheath, "So beautiful." I whispered.

"I'll do whatever you want, please don't kill me." Blair said.

"Shut up. Now which finger do you press the button on your camera with?" I asked.

"T-The right." Blair said quietly.

"Speak up nigga!" I yelled.

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