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"so let me get this straight–" jeongguk held his hands out to shut hoseok up. the older had been rambling uncontrollably and jeongguk had to take a moment to process just what his hyung wanted him to do.

"–you want me to help you get jimin hyung and taehyung hyung together," jeongguk stated, still half in disbelief at the suggestion.

hoseok nodded eagerly, "they really like each other, but they both think the other doesn't feel the same! plus taehyung thinks jimin likes you," the elder giggled.

jeongguk's eyes widened and he almost choked on air. "w-what?"

hoseok laughed, "why are you so freaked out? it's not like it's true." 

the younger sighed and sat down on the bench. "i um, i'm ace,", he said while laughing slightly. "so the thought of being in a relationship..." jeongguk shivered dramatically.

hoseok was surprised, but smiled. "thank you for telling me, jeongguk-ah."

jeongguk waved him off, "it's whatever. so, let's get this matchmaking on!"

"nice to see you, yoongi. i take it you've been doing well since last week?" namjoon smiled as he turned around in his desk chair to face the blonde standing in the doorway of his office.

"i suppose you could say that. i mean, i haven't tried to kill myself nor thought about it recently, which is odd," yoongi mumbled as he flopped down in the chair positioned in front of namjoon's desk.

the psychiatrist chuckled, tidying his desk of various files and papers before propping his elbows up on the wood. "so tell me, is it because of hoseok?"

yoongi tried to mask his shock with a cough, eyes wide. "w-what?"

namjoon grinned, "don't bother lying to me, yoongi. i know you two have been getting close. i'm just interested in how it's affecting you," he stated simply, resting his chin in his palms.

"i don't see–"

"do you have feelings for him?"

yoongi blinked at the doctor.

"well? you do, don't you? honestly i don't blame you, he's so cute."

yoongi hid his clenched fists under the table. "shut up, namjoon."

"ah, sorry. i sometimes forget to be professional in place of being young," namjoon just smiled kindly, and yoongi sighed.

"i think i do. but it's weird, since when he first got here like, three weeks ago he hated me and wanted nothing to do with me. now, we can't stay away from each other."

"that's good, you finally found someone you care about and can trust. after what you've been through, you deserve that."

yoongi was quiet for a moment, and sat back in the chair, focusing his eyes at the light hanging from the ceiling. "it's kinda sad, in a way. he hates himself and i struggle to wake up every day. we're like fucked up soulmates. a mentally ill romeo and juliet."

namjoon hummed, scribbling something down in his little notebook. "do you think you'll pursue a relationship with hoseok?"

yoongi pursed his lips. "i don't know, i mean, i'd like to. the only thing is that i don't know if he can do it."

"what do you mean by that?" namjoon looked up, his eyebrows furrowed, pen hovering above the page. "you think hoseok can't handle a relationship?"

"he doesn't even know how to love himself. how can he ever love someone else?"

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