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"hey, guys," hoseok smiled softly as he plunked his tray down. a salad and a banana today, hoseok was feeling good.

jimin looked up from where he'd been giggling and flirting with taehyung, at first smiling at the elder but then frowning when he noticed the blonde hovering behind hoseok. "why's he here?"

"hello to you too, jimin," yoongi grumbled as he flopped down on the other side of hoseok. ignoring the others, he began munching on his bag of potato chips. under the table, his other hand was intertwined with hoseok's.

hoseok watched as taehyung and jimin whispered back and forth for a minute or so, jimin's previously angry expression eventually shifting into one of guilt.

"yoongi hyung." the eldest looked up and met eyes with taehyung, noticing how the younger's eyes were set on his boyfriend, who was fidgeting in his seat. "jiminie wants to say something to you."

yoongi's eyebrows rose. "oh, does he? go ahead, then."

jimin's gaze didn't leave the table as he spoke, "i-i'm sorry for treating you unfairly, and always being rude. i wish you and hoseokie hyung the best." he ducked his head, not wanting to let the older males see his rosy-blushed cheeks.

yoongi smiled. "thank you for the apology, jimin-ah. i suppose i owe you an explanation, however. i know we didn't break up in the easiest of ways–"

"you don't say," chimed in jeongguk, who was innocently sipping on a carton of banana milk.

yoongi flashed the youngest a quick glare before continuing, "–and that is in part due to me keeping secrets from you. although you didn't really give me much of a chance to tell you, but that's irrelevant, right?"

jimin blinked.

"um, do you wanna go for a walk?" yoongi bit his lip. he didn't really want to confess his life story in front of everybody. after jimin nodded, understanding the elder wanted a bit of privacy for their conversation, the two stood. before he left, yoongi leaned down and pecked hoseok's lips quickly but lovingly. "be back soon, babe."

hoseok tried to hide his blush as he watched his boyfriend walk out of the cafeteria with his ex. however taehyung heard the blondes words and was grinning at his friend. "you two are really cute together, you know," taehyung mused.

hoseok lifted his head. "you think so?"

"definitely. with you, yoongi hyung is happy. truly, wholly happy. it's like he's found his purpose. even with jimin, sure, they loved each other, but there seemed to always be fights and one was always upset. you're good for him, hoseokie hyung."

hoseok smiled to himself, taking his fork and eating a bite of his salad.

after some time, the cafeteria doors swung open and in walked both yoongi and jimin. yoongi looked a bit upset, but hoseok knew it was because he'd just spilled his darkest secrets. when the elder reached their table, hoseok immediately stood up and brought yoongi into an embrace, holding him comfortingly.

when they pulled away, yoongi leaned in and connected their lips, like before, but with more feeling. hoseok could taste the pain of yoongi's past on his tongue, feel the loneliness on his lips.

"yah, mind getting a room?" jeongguk spoke up from behind them.

giggling, hoseok pulled away and they sat back down, all five of them contentedly eating their lunch. it felt complete, hoseok thought to himself. he felt complete.

was this what he'd been looking for all along? this feeling of happiness, that he was surrounded by people who cared about him and loved him?

as hoseok laughed loudly at a joke of taehyung's, letting himself lean into yoongi, he knew the answer. it was in the loving glimmer in yoongi's eyes.

"know why i like the stars, hyung?"

"no idea, seok-ah. tell me."

hoseok smiled, sighing contentedly as he shifted on the blanket. they were laying on the rooftop, stargazing. the roof of the centre had somewhat become their spot to be alone.

"they're millions of light years away, but it feels like i can reach out right now and grab one." the younger stared at the twinkling night sky before continuing, "i love how the stars are finite. when we're looking at them, they're already dead. but in this moment, as you and i look up, they're beautiful. stars are beautiful even when they're dead. i've always admired that."

"they may be finite," yoongi agreed. "but there will always be new, young baby stars to take over and rule the night sky. we'll always have the stars to guide us, forever and ever. even if we can't see them, they're there."

"will we be together forever, hyung?"

yoongi turned his head to the side, staring at hoseok who was still on his back, gazing intensely at the glimmering stars. his eyes passed over hoseok, every part of him, wanting to commit the image to memory so yoongi would never ever forget the brunette that changed his life so much so quickly.

he ran his thumb over hoseok's knuckles, bringing their intertwined hands to his mouth to press a kiss to each of the younger's fingers. smiling softly, yoongi laid back down, pulling hoseok closer so that he could rest his chin on his head.

"i'll die before i let you go."


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