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the clinic was buzzing with excitement. it was the last friday of the month, which meant family day.

today, parents and friends were allowed to spend the morning with their children. this created a happy atmosphere around the center, patients were walking around with smiles on their faces in anticipation of seeing their loved ones and nurses were busy decorating the plain walls with garlands and paintings done by patients.

it was eight-forty five in the morning, and hoseok was sitting cross legged on yoongi's bed. he was beyond nervous; he could hardly believe it had already been a month since he'd checked into the rehab clinic, and he wanted to see his parents so badly. the reason why he was nervous, is because he felt that because he had a disorder, he had failed his parents and they were disappointed in him. hoseok wanted to show his parents that he was getting better.

"so what do you usually do when they have family day, hyung?" hoseok asked, looking down at yoongi who was just laying down, messy blonde hair all over his pillow.

"go hang out with namjoon," was yoongi's simple answer.

"you don't have any other family that you keep in contact with?"

"after i got away from my dad i lived with my grandma for a while, and she's the one who put me in here. was worried about me. but i found out last year she passed."

hoseok frowned, and shifted so that he was also laying down beside the elder, resting his head on yoongi's slowly rising and falling chest.

yoongi chuckled lightly, running his hand through hoseoks silky hair. "don't worry about me baby, i'm okay." hoseok blushed furiously at the pet name, hiding his face in yoongi's shirt.

eventually, it was nine a.m. and hoseok had to go to the cafeteria, where all the family were waiting. he was reluctant to leave yoongi's warm embrace, but the elder practically shoved him out, telling him he should be glad he even had family to visit. after that hoseok felt guilty and finally left.

hoseok made his way to the cafeteria, psyching himself up mentally as he pushed open the double doors. his eyes scanned over the crowd, searching for his family. finally he saw them, and his lips split into a wide grin. sprinting over to their table, he ran into his mothers open arms. "eomma! i missed you so much!" he cried into her shoulder.

"hey, what about me?" a deep voice spoke up, and hoseok lifted his head to see the tired eyes of his father.

"appa!" hoseok exclaimed and wrapped his father into a tight hug. the older man chuckled and embraced his son lovingly.

"my, you're still so thin. are you getting better, hoseok dear? are they helping you?" his mother worriedly asked, running her hand along his arm.

"yes, eomma. i'm taking medications and seeing the psychiatrist and a nutritionist. they're all very nice."

"your mom is the cutest, hyung." hoseok looked up at the familiar voice and saw the eye smile of jimin, who was also sitting with his parents and a younger boy that looked an awful lot like jimin. hoseok hasn't even realized jimin's family was sitting at the same table.

"your friends are very nice, sweetie," commented mrs. jung.

"friends?" hoseok asked. he only saw jimin.

"gukkie was here earlier, but his parents wanted to go for a walk in the garden," jimin explained.

"and taehyung?"

jimin's lips drew into a thin line. "his parents don't come."

hoseok figured there was some story there, but this was no place to discuss that. finally allowing himself to relax, he sat down with his parents and the whole group of them engaged in pleasant conversation.

it was nearing lunchtime, which meant hoseok's time with his family was running out. the visitors were required to leave by one o'clock so the patients could still have their group session.

some families had already started to stand up and say their goodbyes. a few mothers were crying, and hoseok's own mother looked a bit sad herself.

all of a sudden, hoseok and jimin's  energetic discussion about their shared passion for dance was interrupted by a violent scream and the sound of a chair being thrown to the ground. everybody looked up and saw a tall boy, crying tears of anger while he screamed and threw things to the ground. a woman who was likely his mother sat nearby, looking terrified out of her mind.

hoseok looked to jimin, who didn't appear fazed. "jimin-ah, who is that?"

"that's sehun. he's always like this on family day. doesn't want his mom to leave."

hoseok looked back to the screaming boy who was now on the ground shaking. before he realized it, he was standing and walking over to the boy. he could hear his mother and jimin calling after him but he paid them no mind.

hoseok approached sehun carefully and slowly. "hey, i'm hoseok. you're sehun, right?"

the raven-haired male looked up and glared harshly into hoseok's eyes. "leave me alone."

hoseok frowned, scooted closer. "now, there's no reason to be afraid, i just wanna help you out. your mom looks a little scare–"


hoseok's hand reached up to clutch at his throbbing jaw. sehun was panting, fists clenched. tears pricked at the elders eyes and he staggered back. suddenly, a figure swept past him and took sehun down, not punching him but holding him down until the buildings security arrived.

hoseok watched dizzily as yoongi stood, anger painted over his face. his eyes locked with hoseok's, and instantly his entire face softened. "baby, did he hurt you?" yoongi murmured, quickly striding over to hoseok and cupping his face. a few tears slipped down his cheek as hoseok nodded, and yoongi leaned forward and pressed soft kisses all over the younger's jaw, not even caring about all the eyes on them.

"are your parents still–" yoongi's question was interrupted by a woman's cry and the force of being pushed away from hoseok.

"hobi, darling, are you okay? how dare that lunatic place his hands on my sweet baby boy!" mrs. jung cried, stroking her son's face.

"hobi? that's cute. how come i didn't think of that?" yoongi smiled to himself. hoseok's mother peeled herself off her son and turned to the short blonde next to her. "hello, mrs. jung. my name is min yoongi," he bowed respectfully.

"why, hoseok, you never mentioned this handsome boy," mrs. jung smiled coyly.

hoseok rolled his eyes, "yoongi hyung, please tone it down. my mother's about to have a heart attack."

the blonde smirked. "if you say so, hobi."

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