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it was a warm, sunny morning, and yoongi was running his fingers over a sleepy hoseok's knuckles. the younger was leaning his head on yoongi's chest, tired from staying up the night before.

they'd had another movie marathon in hoseok's room, stealing a handful of dvd's from the lounge when nobody was in there. the entire night had been spent singing along to theme songs of disney movies that both boys were slightly embarrassed to know all the words to, and cuddling into each other's warm embrace.

the sunlight shone through the curtainless window, illuminating the caramel-like skin of hoseok's legs that were laying on top of the blankets. yoongi smiled to himself as he gazed at their intertwined hands, hoseok's peaceful resting face also calming the blonde.

yoongi glanced at the clock on hoseok's bedside table; the red digital numbers read 8:02 am. the elder hummed as he slowly and carefully sat up, gently squeezing hoseok's hand. "wake up, baby," yoongi murmured softly in the younger's ear.

hoseok stirred, eyes fluttering open to blink up at yoongi tiredly. "hi," he smiled while speaking in a slightly raspy morning voice.

"come on, seok-ah. we gotta get meds and breakfast. and it's monday, so you get to talk to dr. namjoon later today."

hoseok pouted at the mention of the kind psychiatrist, but sat up and stretched anyway. rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he gazed blankly at yoongi, who could hardly contain his laugh, "god, you slept good."


yoongi furrowed his brow. "huh?"

"it's, you slept well."

groaning loudly, yoongi threw the blankets off his legs and stood, popping a few of his joints. "i can't believe i'm in love with a grammar nerd."

hoseok giggled, scooting to the edge of the bed to wrap his arms around yoongi in a tight back-hug. "i'm your grammar nerd, though."

yoongi turned, chuckling as he ruffled hoseok's already messy bed hair. "that you are. now come on, i'm starved."

after hoseok's session with namjoon, the two made their way to the gardens for a little bit of free time before lunch, followed by group in the afternoon.

hoseok swung their interlocked arms together as they walked into the courtyard, a content smile on his face.

the twenty-two year old still had a hard time comprehending that he actually had a boyfriend. although, hoseok frowned as he realized, they weren't even boyfriends. sure, they kissed and flirted and all that, but they'd never discussed putting a label on their relationship.

"what's got you frowning, sunshine?" yoongi's deep voice broke hoseok out of his thoughts. they'd come to a stop in the middle of the pathway. it was a very secluded spot, which was why yoongi chose to come here. he tugged hoseok down to sit at the base of a giant tree, pulling the younger into his lap. 

"oh, nothing," hoseok mumbled as he snuggled into yoongi, burying his head in his chest.

but yoongi wasn't buying it: he knew something was on his baby's mind and was determined to get it out of him. "come on, hoseokie, you can tell me anything. i promise i won't get mad or judge you."


"swear on my life."

hoseok pouted. "that's not a very solid promise, hyung. it's not like you don't wanna die or anything~"

yoongi barked a laugh. "okay, okay. pinky promise?" to show that he was serious, he held out his hand and stuck out his littlest finger.

smiling uncontrollably, hoseok wrapped his finger around yoongi's, sealing the promise. "okay, i'll tell you."

"thank you."

"i was um, thinking about how we aren't actually technically dating. but it's not a big deal! if you don't feel comfortable to put a label on it that's fine by m–"

yoongi shut the rambling boy up with a firm kiss on the lips. when he pulled away after a few moments, hoseok was blushing madly. "jung hoseok, will you be my boyfriend?"

giggling shyly, hoseok nodded and threw his thin arms around yoongi's neck. "love you, hyungie." his words were slightly muffled due to his mouth being pressed into the elders neck, but yoongi heard him fine.

"i love you too, seok-ah. and... thank you."

hoseok pulled back to look yoongi in the eyes confusedly. "thank you? for what?"

"hoseok, in the short span of a month you have made me infinitely happier than any of the doctors or shrinks i've seen in the last three years."

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