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yoongi sat cross legged on the grass, his back resting against the back of a bench. surrounding him on both sides were big, flowering bushes that pretty much concealed the blonde boy from anybody passing by, not that there was anyone out this early.

hugging his knees to his chest, yoongi cast his eyes towards the clear early morning sky. it was a beautiful day, not a cloud in sight, and the temperature was just right so that it wasn't too humid nor too chilly. a slight breeze swirled around him, but it was merely refreshing.

"hi grandma," yoongi began, his voice at first coming out a bit rough. he cleared his throat before continuing. "i hope i didn't wake you," he laughed to himself.

"i remember how you always complained about getting up early. that's one thing i always loved about you; you were different than most grandmothers." yoongi's hand dropped to the grass surrounding him and absentmindedly began ripping the small green blades out of the ground. "normally i wouldn't be up this early either, but i wanted to come out here and talk to you before hoseokie woke up."

yoongi smiled to himself upon mentioning the sweet brunette he'd left sleeping in his bed. "you'd love him, grandma. he's so lovely. it kind of scared me at first how quickly i was growing attached to him, but i don't care anymore. he makes me happy, and i don't want to let that go, ever.

"i know if you were here, you'd hold me and tell me not to be such a wimp. i'm just scared that he'll leave me for someone who isn't as messed up as me, you know?" yoongi picked up a handful of grass and let it fall back down to the ground, sighing. "i miss you so much, grandma. i can't believe it's already been two years. i feel like just yesterday you were holding your arms out for a terrified eighteen year old that needed a home. you made me feel safe and loved, when i'd never felt that way growing up. why–" yoongi's voice cracked, and he ducked his head to allow a few tears to fall. "why did you have to leave me? i'm all alone."

"you aren't alone, yoongi."

yoongi whipped his head up, "grandma?"

the voice chuckled, "no, hyung. i'm sorry i'm not your grandma. it's just me." hoseok appeared from behind one of the tall bushes, smiling sheepishly before slowly approaching yoongi. "is it okay if i sit?"

the blonde numbly nodded, not looking into the worried gaze of the younger. hoseok hummed, reaching out to wipe away a tear on yoongi's face. "come here, hyung." he held his arms open and after a brief moment of hesitation yoongi was throwing himself into the open embrace of his boyfriend.

"how long were you standing there?" yoongi mumbled into hoseok's chest.

"not that long. i woke up and didn't know where you went, so i came outside. i just heard the last part."

yoongi lifted his head and pressed a passionate but gentle kiss on the younger's heart-shaped lips. "i'm sorry for leaving you, i didn't want to wake you," he apologized after pulling away.

"it's okay, hyung. so... you were talking to your grandmother?" hoseok asked softly.

yoongi nodded, burying his head back into the brunettes soft hoodie. "today marks two years that she died." hoseok remained quiet, knowing no amount of i'm sorry's would heal the hole in yoongi's heart. "i told her about you."

"good things, i hope?" hoseok couldn't help but giggle, earning a playful smack on the thigh from his hyung.

"obviously," the blonde grumbled. "you loser."

hoseok just kept giggling, pulling the elder closer to him and pressing kisses all over yoongi's forehead and face. "i'm your loser."

yoongi smiled, even though hoseok couldn't see it. "seems you are. what luck," he said, pretending to be disappointed. this time it was hoseok's turn to smack yoongi.

the two burst into laughter, holding each other tightly as they sat in the morning warmth. the sun cast its rays upon the smooth tan skin of the younger while the pale legs of the elder glimmered in the sunlight.

"know something, seok-ah?"

"what, hyung?"

"all my life, i've been waiting to find a reason to wake up every morning. after twenty three years, i've finally found it."

hoseok knocked lightly on the closed door, rocking back on his heels as he waited. he wanted to talk to dr. namjoon and for some reason nobody was answering the door.

heaving a sigh, the brunette peeked in through the small glass window, hoping maybe to see if namjoon was even in his office. it would be kind of embarrassing if the psychiatrist hadn't even been inside the whole time hoseok was knocking.

but to his surprise, when he looked through he the small glass panel, he saw a familiar person in a nurse's uniform with broad shoulders seated on the desk, back facing hoseok. namjoon was standing in front of jin, although hoseok couldn't see much of the doctor.

hoseok gasped and staggered away from the door when he saw the young psychiatrist lean in and kiss jin, one hand on the nurse's neck pulling him closer and the other snaking down his back to grab at his ass. hoseok's mind was spinning as he shakily fell to the ground against the door, accidentally making a loud 'thud' noise. heart hammering in his chest, hoseok scooted away from the door as he heard footsteps approach, not wanting to get caught spying on whatever sort of wild workplace affair he'd just witnessed.

the door opened and namjoon stood there, looking surprised to see hoseok on the ground with a terrified expression on his face. "hoseok? what are you doing down there? come on, get up." the doctor held out a hand, and hoseok stared at it. was that the hand that had been on jin's ass? 

"wait, hold on. were you the one who hit the door?" namjoon seemed like he was stifling a laugh. "don't worry, hoseok. i'm not mad. did you see us?" he laughed slightly embarrassed that he'd been caught making out with jin by a patient.

the brunette nodded somewhat slowly, still unsure whether to take namjoon's hand. "i swear, i won't tell any–"

namjoon laughed, and just then jin appeared and wrapped his arms around the doctor's waist. "hi, hoseok. don't worry about it, we're not trying that hard to hide it," he giggled while pecking namjoon's rosy cheek.

"did you want to see me for something? we don't have a session for another few days, is something on your mind?" namjoon asked.

hoseok nodded. "yeah..."

the young doctor nodded, turning and giving a swift kiss to jin's plush lips. "we're still on for dinner tonight, right?" the nurse asked. namjoon nodded and jin slipped off, beaming.

"come on in, hoseok."

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