Chapter 1: Unexpected Encounter

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(Disclaimer: the cover picture does NOT belong to me, and i do not take credit)

Anger....if there was a word for tonights events, this was it. It wasnt a first time offense, but even so you couldnt help the blood boiling in your veins.

you sported your (f/c) dress, thigh length, and black heels to match. sparkling diamond earrings, and bracelet to add the perfect amount of shine to your gorgeous appearance. preparing for the date with your boyfriend for two months was the easy part. you both never had time to spend together due to your jobs running into each other, so obviously tonight, was special for you. as you gazed at your appearance in the full body mirror, your heart beat with radiance at the sight. you were positive this get up will attract the best attention from him, and almost lost track of time.

"crap! im gonna be late!"

with haste and hurry, you quickly grabbed your purse, and left your apartment.

30 minutes pass....then an hour, then two. your leg tapped anxiously as you waited for your lover. the waitress continued to check on you as you waited, but something inside told you she was holding judgement. could you blame her? the same resturant, the same sorry ass excuse. 'im working late, call you when im home' you honestly had no idea why you even bothered at this point. another waste of time.

"what a fucking asshole...!!"

you stood with anger, rage and fury. you wanted to grab the nearest person and beat the hell out of them. but at the same time, you also wanted to cry your eyes out. even with the hate in your heart, you loved this man. Tears filled your eyes as you made your way out of the dimly lit resturant and into the summer air of the night. the stars and street lights lit your way as you walked. with your poor salary and dumbass job, you couldnt afford a car. which only pissed you off even more. before you could catch yourself, the tears started to fall.

"Am i....just unlovable...?"

you held yourself as you continued to feel sorry for yourself. were strong. if he wanted to pass you up then it was his damn loss. you refused to cry any longer and decided drinking the pain away, would make you feel alot better. even if it was just for tonight. a quaint bar sat on the corner just a few blocks from your home. its name almost stirred more tears up in your eyes. 'dead end bar.' it seemed to sum up your life perfectly. walking inside the dead bar was a weight lifted off your shoulders. the smell of liquor and cigarettes calmed your nerves. you werent a smoker, nor much of a drinker, but anything to take away the pain right? you took your seat at the bar, placing your purse beside you, as a tattooed bartender walks towards you.

"hey, what can i getcha?"

"something heavy, and leave the bottle."

you answered. the bartender nods and continues on his way. as your eyes scanned the nearly empty bar, you noticed two men sitting towards the back, in the last table near the bathrooms. you couldnt see the face of one of the men, but the face you could see, was extremely handsome. eyebrows bushy thick yet perfect. bowl cut hair that complimented his plump face, and a cigarette dangling from his lips, but just as you were taking in his features, he was doing the same to you. the eye contact was just for a second as you quickly turn your head back to the counter. a deep red heat on your cheeks.

"here you go ma'am. you look a little down on your luck, so this ones on the house."

you felt eternally grateful for the gratitude, and continued to drink the sorrow of the night away. you take short glances back at the man who had caught your attention. a business deal it looked like. something shady, that you shouldnt be witnessing, but before you could focus on the drink you were downing, the faceless man stands to leave. fighting your curiousity, you could still feel the handsome mans eyes on you. it was a feeling you havent felt in a long time. a stare of interest, made your core shiver with sexual pleasure. taking another drink of the liquor, you pull a strand of (h/c) hair into your fingertips, becoming more and more nervous as the stares became more intense. almost suddenly, the man stands, and makes his way towards you. the only sound in the bar is his hard soles tapping the ground with every footstep. your body heating, and burning as he finally took a seat on the stool next to you.

"hello, im sorry to bother you, but such a beauty shouldnt be alone at night."

his words felt like daggers. was it a warning? could he be a rapist? you tensed up as he took a puff of his cigarette. the cologne on his clothes lit your senses on fire. perhaps you wanted to fan the flames just a little.

"beat it. im not looking for company."

you decided playing hard to get would be the better route. this man seemed to have a large ego, and stroking egos were not your cup of tea.

"ah fiesty....i love my women that way. may i give you my name?"

"i said beat it asshole."

you could hear a deep chuckle erupt deep in his chest. god he was turning you on, every breath he took next to you, the feel of his bare arm on yours, it was enough to drive you insane, and you barely knew the guy!

"dont be that way. i only wanted to speak to you."

the man flashed a smile so beautiful at you, his brows furrowed just a little. the gold chain and watch he sported assured you that he carried some sort of business. not that it mattered at all, in fact it almost made you cringe. but after tonight, maybe making a friend wouldnt be so bad.

"im sorry.....its been a long day."  you sat your drink down, and decided to make eye contact with this handsome stranger. "what is your name sir?"

"im karamatsu."
the man puts his cigarette out on the table, and picks your hand up in his. such a romantic gesture. his hands soft as silk.

"im (y/n) its nice to meet you."

he plants a kiss as warm as sunlight, on your hand. the flames inside you burning brighter. it wasnt in your plans to fuck anyone but your lover tonight, but if this stranger continued to treat you like royalty, all bets were off. the man then reaches in his black blazer, and hands you a white card with a number sketched on it, along with his name.

"miss (y/n), im sure we could meet again if you will allow me? maybe over dinner?"

you hesitated, something about this seemed shady, yet your best interest and judgement was to give this handsome man a chance. he was beautiful, such sophistication and poise in his features. there was nothing wrong with taking a risk, and making moves in life, so you took the card from him, putting it in your purse.

"sir karamatsu, im sure we can work something out."

you flirted with this stranger, which earned a smirk from karamatsu. he stood from the stool, and caressed your cheek with his warm soft hand.

"until we meet again, my angel."

and with that, karamatsu left the bar. leaving you swooning, and drooling over him. everything about him screamed gentleman, and his presence really made you feel better about being stood up. with a small smile, you finished off your drink thinking about karamatsu.

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