Chapter 5: He's Perfect.

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you barely got any sleep. the K5 mafia, lianes safety, and karamatsus warning about his brothers were all that you could think of. Your alarm beeped loudly stirring you in your bed. you finally managed to close your eyes, when it was time to get ready for work. you couldnt deal with miss tenka today, and seeing liane in her nervous and anxious state would only make you worry even more.

"fuck this....i need a break."

you sat up in your bed and rubbed the sleep from your eyes. a long night, how did your life get so dramatic so quick? you sighed as you contemplated staying in bed all day. true enough you needed a break, but you also wanted someone to vent to. despite your better judgement, you called karamatsu. the phone rang, you began to sweat and stress, hoping it was okay.

"please dont be mad....maybe i should-"

"hello? karamatsu speaking."

"AH- h-hey karamatsu, its (y/n)"

the sudden pick up startled you out of your thoughts.

"ah, (y/n) chan, im glad you called....i thought maybe i had scared you away."

"not at all karamatsu, im very sorry i pressed the issue. i wont bring up your brothers again."

you thought you could hear yelling in the background, maybe someone was fed up with the job. you knew the feeling all too well.

"nonsense my angel. i know you want to get closer to me, and it isnt fair that i shut you out....would you like to spend the day with me?"

your heart lept into your throat. its all you wanted, all you needed. a certain kindness resided in his voice that put you at ease about all your problems. at least one of them would be resolved.

"y-yes of course karamatsu, can you come get me at 10? id like to freshen up a bit."

"youre already beautiful (y/n) chan. ill be there soon."

the line clicks, indicating that he hung up. the last sentence he spoke played back in your head, a compliment you never heard in this state. your hair a ragged mess, and your pjs hanging off you. but none of that mattered now, karamatsu wanted to take you out ALL DAY. quickly, you ran out of your room and into the bathroom.

"im not worrying about anything today. momma needs a break, and karamatsu is just what the doctor ordered."

you grinned as you turned the shower on, the steam filling the room as you climbed in. it felt amazing and refreshing. that mixed with the excitement of getting to spend all day with him, definitely woke you up.
once you washed your hair, and finished drying and applying lotion, it then came down to the hard part. deciding what to wear.

karamatsu dressed casually, yet comfortably. his sleeves rolled, and even jewelry to accompany the outfit. from your past experiences with him, you knew he wore blue and black.

"hm....should i match him? it safe..."

the tons of designs and outfits stared in your face. you wanted to look sexy, but not TOO sexy. you felt it was far too early to be in a relationship, but sex was another story.

"fuck! why the hell did i buy all this crap anyway. i dont even like orange!"
you tore through your wardrobe, searching for that perfect outfit that said "casual, but sexy."

"well...if he means what he says, what i wear shouldnt matter right?"

you said as you grabbed a beige skirt, and sky blue tank top. it wasnt the best, but it showed off your legs and clear (s/c) skin.

"this will work, right?"

you smiled as you looked at your full outfit for the day. even with getting dressed, you still had half an hour before karamatsu showed up to get you. eating was out of the question, you wanted an appetite for wherever kara decided to take you.

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