Chapter 2: A Little About You.

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You awoke with a massive hangover, clinging to the sheets of your bed like your life depended on it. A throbbing in your head, the likes this world has never seen. just what happened last night? how did you get home? sitting up was extremely painful. you clutched your head and rubbed your temples for any sign of relief.

"fuck, i have to go to work in an hour..."

with a heavy sigh, you force yourself to stand up. dizziness took over you, but you clutched the wall to gain balance. once your vision started to clear, and the room sat upright again, you noticed a small note on your nightstand next to your bed. in your mind, you prayed that you hadnt made any regretable mistakes.

"i called you a cab lady, you were way too drunk to walk home. maybe take some responsibility next time?"

the note was signed with 'dead end bartender.' you couldnt help but think that a name would be more appropriate, but you didnt care. you were glad to be home and safe, and even happier to know that nothing happened.

after a long hot shower, you dried your (h/c) hair, and (s/c) skin, checking out your frame in the mirror. you werent too heavy, but the curves were noticable. clearly any man would be lucky to have you. and speaking of men, your thoughts returned to the handsome karamatsu you met last night. his smile, the way he smelled, the way he held your hand, it all came back to you, and so did the tingle of a flame between your legs.

"who the hell was that guy....?"

you smile to yourself, the memories of him pleasant, but oh so short. you shook them clean from your thoughts as you made your way to your room to dress for the day. Being a waitress wasnt the best job, not even a little. perverts would grab your ass, and make snarky remarks. you hated every second of it, and wanted so badly to quit. but the bills didnt pay themselves, so with a huff and a sigh, you grab your purse and leave your apartment to catch the train downtown.

the diner was packed. alot more packed than usual considering that the food was crappy, and the service wasnt too well if you werent there. you were running rampant. your boss miss. Tenka, an over weight woman with an attitude bad enough to make a demon cry, kept her glare on you as you continued to bust tables fast enough for more customers. you worked as fast as you could, seating families and couples, along with busting your tables, but the more you cleaned, the more you thought of him....karamatsu. the gleam in his brown eyes, the smile on his perfect face, the way he wore his-


The glass shattered to the floor, and before you could make an effort to clean it, a firm grip grasped your arm and dragged you to a room in the back. it didnt take a genius to know you were in trouble.

"(y/n) what the hell is going on!?"
miss tenka glared at you, every instinct inside you fighting the urge to beat her at her own yelling game. but you needed this job, badly.

"miss tenka, im very sorry. i havent been myself these few days."

"i dont know what the fuck is wrong with you, but you better get over it or your ass is GRASS!!"

you were the hardest working waitress this diner had the pleasure of knowing. yet she had the nerve to threaten to fire you. you had half the mind to slap her across her fat face and make her eat her words, but the other half was right. karamatsu was clouding your thoughts. all you could think about was speaking to him again.

"im sorry miss tenka. it wont happen again."

"get the fuck out of my office. and CLEAN THAT DAMN MESS!!"

Fuck was all you could mumble under your breath. all your hard work, just to get yelled at by an ungrateful she-witch. you promised yourself you would look for another job. even being a stripper looked better than this. luckily, once your co-worker liane made it to work, the day flown by easily, and it was soon time for your break.

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