Chapter 4: What did she Mean?

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It has been a few days since that encounter. you wanted karamatsu to have as much space as he needed to calm down, and forgive you for your terrible mistake. you didnt bother to call him. karamatsus brothers seemed like nice men, and you never would have thought he would hate them, but then again, no one LIKES their siblings.

you busted your tables. the business was slow today, not many customers, and those who did come in, didnt order much. you and liane decided to spend the spare time speaking to each other. she wasnt your type of person. a ton of make up, and a short jean skirt is what she always wore to work. big bracelets covered her wrists, and her curled red hair stood out alot more than yours did.

"liane, that hair can NOT be natural..."
you smiled at her as you admired the bold red. the busty woman smiles and looks at you.

"of course it is (y/n)! i suggest dying yours though, (h/c) is so boring."

you rolled your eyes at her comment. as if you cared about the color. your hair wasnt perfect, but you took care of it all the same.

"yeah, thanks but no thanks liane."

you gave her a friendly smile, and she giggles in retort.

"hey (y/n) chan, would you say that we are friends?"

she looks at you, her big green eyes making you uneasy. you always considered liane a friend. not someone youd break your neck for, but someone youd love to spend time with.

"sure liane....are you okay?"

"yeah! im fine..."

she rubbed her left wrist. Too many bracelets covered her wrist, but you could swear you saw something. cuts maybe? this girl needed a friend. and who were you to deny her, after all the times she helped you on the job.

"liane....i know we dont talk much, but im here if you need me. okay?"

you rubbed her shoulder out of kindness, and to assure her she wasnt alone. she then began to speak softer than usual.

"(y/n) i hope this is the start of a great friendship....and, to make it official, have one of my bracelets."

she fumbled with her left wrist, and as she pulled off a blue band, you noticed something that made your stomach turn. liane was branded.

"l-liane, what happened there?"

you asked her, she gasped lightly and quickly covered the scar. you saw lines and a ring, but nothing official.

"n-nothing, just got in a little trouble thats all....its actually good for me."

"good? liane that scar....nothing good comes from being branded."

liane ignored your words, looking around the diner, almost as if she was making sure you two were alone.

"its fine!"

"NO, its not. liane, if you need my help, please just-"

liane finally snapped at you.

"you know what?! mind your own business okay?! what i do in my personal life, is my own concern."

you stared at her. she wasnt alright. she shook as she touched the brand covered by bracelets. she knew you meant her well, but for her own safety and yours, you couldnt know who did this to her.

"just....its just a consequence from dealing drugs before i worked here..."

drug hated them. your parents had a terrible history with drugs and violence, along with being a part of a mafia gang organization. their deaths echoed in your mind, a constant reminder to stay as far away from anyone who dabbled in the lifestyle.

You Belong To Me.... (Yandere mafia Karamatsu x reader) Where stories live. Discover now