Chapter 5 - 1 little push

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Sonics pov

YES TWO LADIES OUTTA THE WAY AND I'M IN KNUCKLES LIFE!!!! YYYYYEEEEEAAAAAHHHH!!!! I was walking to Knuckles house wearing something so cute he would definitely say: OH SONIC YOUR SO CUTE IN THAT OUTFIT.....I thought: YES I KNOW HE WILL SAY THAT!!! I JUST KNOW IT!!! But my a certain idiot had other plans....because I saw Jet pushed my boyfriend who was tied up and gagged into a van.....they drove off with him and I was going crazy and insane once again.....I ran and followed the van which stopped at a abandoned building it was so was enough to.....PUSH SOMEONE OFF THE ROOF!!!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAAHA!!!!! I entered the building without being spotted....I saw Knuckles was about to be raped by that feathered fat ass.....I made it look like I accidentally interrupted his attempting to rape my soon as Jet saw me I ran to the roof.....where I lured him into a trap......

Jets pov

I wanted Knuckles all to myself....but as soon as I was about to do it I was interrupted by that Sonic the Hedgehog who ran off to the roof.....I ran after him to the roof....HAAHAHA....I got him surrounded.....huh where did he go? I looked around to see where he is but as I looked on the edge.....a familiar voice said from behind, HOPE YOU LEARN HOW TO FLY DUMB-ASS!!!! I got pushed before I got a chance to see who it is.....I couldn't fly.....

Sonics pov

I hid behind the door and snook behind Jet and said as I grinned, HOPE YOU LEARN HOW TO FLY DUMB-ASS!!! Before he turned I pushed him.....and said, NO ONE TOUCHES MY SENPAI!!!! NOBODY!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!! I really was going mad.......but as soon as I snapped out of it I went to go and free Knuckles......

Knuckles pov

I heard a thud as soon as I thought of Sonic....I hope he's okay......but my luck was confirmed.....Sonic was safe.....he said as he untied me, Knuckles are you alright? I answered as he removed the gag, yeah I'm okay? He hugged me as if to say I'm alright.... we ran outta the abandoned building unaware of a dead Jet in the streets until 3 days later.

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