Chapter 1 - I am in love with my Knux-Senpai

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Sonics pov

I can't believe what I have experienced. My heart pounded, my happiness went up to 100 hundred percent,and its all because I have fallen in love with a certain Echidna...OMG I can't believe it Oh my goddess its so wonderful...when he told me he got dumped by that stupid and heartless faker and then saw me it was like....well it was like magic...*sigh* it's so fact it's a dream come true...he's been dating me....for the first time in forever Knuckles really thinks I really look so adorable and cute....*sigh* though I have fallen in love with Knuckles but he fell in love with Shadow but I didn't want to be in the way.....but it's so beautiful....he has fallen in love with someone else and that someone else is me....*giggles until a knock on the door* it was my big sister behind the door who yelled, HEY IF YOUR DONE BRAGGING ABOUT BEING IN A RELATIONSHIP IN THERE SONIC BOTH YOU AND MANIC GET YOUR LAZY BUTTS DOWN STAIRS AND HELP ME CLEAN!!! Manic yelled out from the bathroom, OH SHUT UP SONIA YOUR JUST JEALOUS BECAUSE SONIC HAS A BOYFRIEND, I GOTTA GIRLFRIEND AND YOU DON'T HAVE ANY LOVER! HA-HA-HA! We both laughed and it's true Manic and I both started dating though he claimed he wanted me and Knuckles and me and his new girlfriend to go on a double date which is ssssooooo fun. I yelled, HEY BIG BRO HOWS VERA TREATING YOU?! Manic answered back, SHES TREATING ME VERY GOOD SONIC! SHES TREATING ME VERY GOOD!! I yelled as I rolled my eyes, NO I MEAN HOW IS SHE DOING?! Manic answered, OH SORRY!! VERA'S DOING GOOD SHE ID HAVING ONE OF HER MOOD THINGS WITH HER SISTER PORTIA! YOU REMEMBER PORTIA RIGHT?! I answered, YEAH I REMEMBER HER! Portia is my brothers girlfriends younger sister....and is unlike Manics new girlfriend...Vera I think was her name...she's very strict and cold.... but then I gotta call from none other than my boyfriend...or as I like to call him my Knux-Senpai..(he doesn't mind)..tehehehehe...what it's then I answered the phone and then I heard his sweet voice, hey Sense-Chan. I answered as I blushed, hi Knux-Senpai. Then he asked me on the phone, hey I know it's sudden but would you like to go out with me? I blushed, smiled and said so shyly, oh.....why a course....I...I would love to...go out with you... then he said before hanging up, well I gotta go pick you up at 6:00 okay? I nodded and said yes. I was so star-struck but then remembered what he said.

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