Chapter 6 - drowning in blood

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Warning this will involve Ms. Amy Rose's murder...

Sonics pov

YES!!! YES! YES! YES! YES! YYYEEEEESSSSS!!!! JET OUTTA THE WAY AND HE AIN'T TOUCHING MY KNUCKIE AGAIN!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!   I was walking towards my place (wearing a sparkling purple top with dark indigo tight-like jeans with sparkling black flats) I was feeling down because Knuckles was avoiding me lately and Amy won't stop leaving alone even when I told her to....but that's when I notice why.....AMY WAS INSULTING HIM...... I overheard her say to him from the other side of the road, YOU STAY AWAY FROM SONIC OR I WILL KILL YOU DO YOU UNDERSTAND?! He was in fear.....I understand why he avoided me....he just didn't wanna eye twitch, seeing my man with Amy and then I snapped, hid in the Allie way and screamed, GGGGGAAAAAAHHHH AAAAAMMMMMMMYYYY YYYYYOOOOOUUUUU DDDDDDEEEEAAAAATTTTTHHHH GGGGGGGGOOOOOOOODDDDD DDDDDAAAAAMMMMMM BBBBBBIIIITTTTTCCCCCHHHHH!!!! They parted that's when I had a plan to get rid of that crazy obsessive slut...ONCE AND FOR ALL!!! I DECICDED TO DRUG HER AND DROWN HER SO SHE WOULDN'T BE IN MY WAY AGAIN!!!! HAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I put my plan into action by sneaking into her house and see a cupcake on the counter and I laughed as I contaminated it with a sleeping drug..... and hid in the closet as soon as she got home......I grinned as she eaten that cupcake.....the drug took effect slowly as she goes to the bathroom but this bath time will be her last......I followed her into the bathroom and as soon as she filled the bath all the way up and said as she felt her head, man I feel good about threatening Knuckles but unfortunately for him I will kill him and I will have Sonic. That's when I whispered in a crazy tone, that's what you think but I know everything Amy....... the pink hedgehog turned in shock to see who it is because she knew who it was me.....then outta nowhere Amy couldn't move......I said with a grin, oh Amy do me a favor will ya?.....&....SAY HELLO TO ROUGE AND JULI-SU FOR ME!!!! That's when I watched fall her into the tub full of water and looked at her dying in the water as I said crazily, NOBODY THREATENS MY SENPAI!!! BURN IN HELL YOU STUPID BITCH!!!! HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I smiled and walked away locking the door behind me.......and went back home and set up an alibi.... the next day I walked down the streets minding my own business (wearing a bright red turtle neck sweater with no sleeves, an orange scarf, maroon skinny jeans (the yellow leaf accessories on my spikes go with my outfit) and my everyday sneakers)....I was actually running errands for my sister since I have nothing better to do.....when a familiar voice called out, HEY SONIC!!! I realized it was Knuckles and I acted like I was mad at him and continue to walk.....

Knuckles pov

I was relieved Amy didn't show up in fact she hasn't shown up since last night......that actually means I can see Sonic again.....I was about to go to his place when I saw him walking down the streets..... I called out to him, HEY SONIC!!! but he didn't hear me.....he just walked away....he was really mad.....I caught up with him and said as I held his hand, HEY WAIT!!! He looked at me and said, well if it isn't the one who was avoiding me and ignoring my every word.....he turned and scowled at me.....I knew he was going to be I explained everything on why I was avoiding and all.....and by the time I finished explaining he was shocked to hear what I said.....he said in shock, wh....why didn't you tell me? I explained that if I did she kill me...... Sonic felt really guilty for not knowing and cried as he whispered, I'm sorry.....If I knew.... I held him close and whispered,'s ok's not your fault......We gazed into each other's eyes as Sonic sadly smiled at me......But at that moment we kissed on the sidewalk....

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