Chapter 5

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      I said I needed rest. I hoped for good night and good dreams. I hoped my head would be clear after some time. But NO!
     Instead of that I didn't sleep at all. Whole night I was rolling in my bed. Music, books, writing couldn't help me to fall asleep. Every time I thought I found a good place, something would come up to my mind and it would go all over again. I couldn't remember that morning and how I came to school at all.
     "Tough night?", July said next to me. We were on art class and I held my head in my arms. I couldn't open my eyes. My hair was messy and it covered my face.
    "You can't imagine."
    "Do you have something to tell me? We haven't spoken in a while. I can see that something bothers you.", July said. She had soft voice and I thought she was concerned about me.
    "I had a bad night. I couldn't sleep. I tried everything but it didn't work.", I said pulling my hair back. My eyes were half open and they were red. I rubbed them, trying to see things around me better.
     "You seem stressed out these days. Maybe you should go on some activity that can calm you down. Like art or poetry."
     "Poetry? I didn't know we have poetry."
     "Yes, we have. You should try it. With your talent for poems, you could be the best poet there."
    "Thank you for advice but I think I'll skip it."
    "Suit yourself. But don't forget what I told you."
     Next class was chemistry. I waited for Cat because we were sitting together on this class but she didn't come. Instead of her, chemistry teacher came earlier with some other students. I looked up and saw who they were. They were older and not familiar to me except one guy. Austin. I waved him and he smiled. He came and sat next to me.
     "Hey, Ivy. I didn't know we will have any class together. Miss Gomez took us to have lessons with younger year but I couldn't imagine it would be your class.", he said.
    "Me neither.", I said. I was still trying to keep my eyes open.
    "Are you alright? It looks like your head will fall down any second." He was trying to see my eyes.
    "I didn't sleep very well."
    "Children, please be quiet.", teacher yelled. We both looked down. I was pretending to listen to the teacher.
    "Hey, Austin. Have you seen Cat maybe?", I whispered still looking at book.
    "No. Why? Where is she?", he whispered as well but looking at teacher.
    "I don't know. She should've been on your place. I didn't have time to look for her."
    "I was also supposed to sit with Frankie."
    "What?", I looked at him, "Where is he?"
    "He skips classes sometimes. He hasn't done it in a while but he decided to do it again this morning. He went somewhere.", he shrugged.
    "But why?"
    "I don't know."
    "Black, York, quiet!", teacher yelled. We immediately sat back and nodded.
Great. All I could do was to think about where were Cat and Frankie. What happened to them? I was deep in my thoughts that I didn't hear a bell. Austin shook me and I came back to reality. I grabbed my bag and quickly ran out of classroom. I looked around myself in hope to see Cat but nothing. She wasn't there. But I saw someone who could help me.
    "Hey. Hey, Grace?", I yelled.
The short brown girl turned to me.
    "Grace, have you seen Cat? I can't find her."
    "No, I haven't. I got English and she doesn't have it with me."
    "I know. She was supposed to have chemistry with me but she didn't show up."
     "Let's go to the yard. Maybe she is there."
We went to the yard but she wasn't there as well. I started to get woozy so I sat on the nearby stairs. No sleep was getting over me.
     "Are you alright?", Grace asked me.
     "Yes, I am.", I said holding my head. I got a headache.
    "Hey, girls. What's up?"
I looked up to see tall black-haired girl who was smiling at us.
    "Hey, Sierra. We are looking for Cat. Have you seen her?"
    "Yes. She didn't feel very well so math teacher sent her home."
    "At least I know where she is. But she shouldn't have gone alone.", I said.
    "No, she didn't. Sanders accompanied her home."
    "Jack?", I said, "That explains why I haven't seen him too."
    "What do you have now?", Grace asked.
    "I have history.", I said.
    "Me too. We can go together.", Sierra said.
    "Pity. I have art.", Grace said looking at her schedule.
    "We can visit together Cat after school if you want.", I said.
   "We can. See you later then.", Grace said.
     After school, Grace, Sierra and I met in the yard and together went to Cat's house. I rang on door bell and Cat opened the door.
    "Hey, guys. What are you doing here?", she said. She was pale and tired.
    "We came to see you, of course. How are you?", I said.
    "I have a flu. Please come in."
She brought us to her living room. You would expect mess everywhere but no. Cat is a kind of the person that everything has to be clean in her environment. Only mess was her blanket on the sofa. Sierra and I sat on other sofa and Grace sat on armchair. Cat brought us drinks and sat herself.
    "How was at school?", she asked.
    "Like any other day. What happened to you?", Grace said.
     "I felt I have fever and my legs were weak like I was going to fall. Teacher told me it's better for me to go home."
     "Yeah, but tell us what happened with your friend?", Sierra said smirking.
     "What friend?", Cat said confused.
     "Me.", Sierra said rolling her eyes,"Jack Sanders of course."
    "Nothing. He was there when I was talking with Mrs. Kery and he offered to accompany me home. She said that is good idea and that's it."
    "Yeah, right.", Sierra continued to tease Cat.
     We were talking for a while. I finally felt better that day. I enjoyed talking with those friends. My phone buzzed from sudden but I didn't pay attention.
    "Was that your phone?", Grace asked me.
    "Yeah but I'll check it later."
    "Omg, Ivy.", Cat jumped, "Have you forgotten what you have tonight?"
Oh shit. I did. I completely forgot. My all problems were in one day. I forgot about evening problem. My date with Miles.
I leaned forward and covered my face with hands.
     "Why? What do you have tonight?", Sierra asked.
    "Accidentally date.", I said through my hands.
    "How accidentally?", Grace said.
    "We played Truth or Dare last night and she got dared and accidentally got date with Miles.", Cat explained.
Sierra opened mouth to say something but I cut her.
    "Please don't ask me anything more. Even I don't know what happened."
I picked up mu phone and checked the message. It said 'I hope we still have date tonight. You didn't answer me last night.' I sighed and typed 'Yes. Sorry, I was busy. See you tonight.'
     "I think it's time to go. Cat has to rest.", Grace said standing up.
    "Yes. I think that too.", I said.
We hugged Cat and went home.
     I had 1 hour more until my date. I was standing in front of my closet. I didn't know what to wear when I heard knock on the door. It was my mum.
     "You still haven't picked your clothes.", she said.
     "Tell me something new", I rolled my eyes.
     "Let me see it."
Mum's brain is amazing. She found my clothes in 3 minutes.
      I was in front of a mirror, looking at myself. I wasn't that bad.
    "You look pretty, sweetheart.", mum said coming behind me. I saw her smile in the mirror and I smiled as well.
    "I hope that boy Miles is good."
    "Yes, he is. I think he is here. Love you, mum.", I said. I kissed her and went out. I was right. Miles was in the car in front of my house. He smiled when he saw me. I smiled as well and got into car.
    "You look nice.", he said.
    "Thank you.", I smiled.
    "I was planning to go to a nice coffee shop, if you don't mind.", he said turning on the car.
     "Of course not."
     Miles brought us to an Italian coffee shop. I thought I would never go there because it's so exclusive. We sat in the middle of the room. Waiter offered us two love milkshakes and Miles accepted it.
     "I was very surprised when I got your message.", Miles said when waiter brought us drinks. They were pink with red straws and hearts on the top and bottom.
I couldn't tell him it was a dare. That would be cruel.
     "Yes. It was from sudden to be honest", I said nervously.
     "It's unusual. I should've called you. But I'm glad you did the first move.", he said smiling. He was so nice and kind that I started to enjoy in our conversation. He wasn't my crush anymore but I liked him like person. Time has passed and soon I had to go home. Miles understood that and he wanted to drive me home.
      He was talking about some artist and I was listening to him until I didn't see the outfield. I remembered Frankie and that I haven't seen him whole day.
     "Hey, Miles. Can you stop car here? I need to take something from my aunt.", I lied. I needed to go on outfield but I couldn't tell him the real reason.
     "I can wait for you.", he said stopping the car.
    "No need. She will probably call me to come inside and I don't want you to wait. Thank you for the great night. I enjoyed it." I didn't lie about last thing. I really enjoyed it.
    "Me too. I hope we will repeat it."
I couldn't answer on that. I just smiled and got out of car. I waited him to go far away and then I went to the outfield.
     No one was on the street. Just couple of buses. Night was calm. I couldn't see anyone on the outfield. I came closer. I couldn't hear any sound except gate's squealing. I put my hair behind my ear and looked around myself one more time. I thought I saw someone's coming. I moved forward to see two silhouettes. First silhouette put other against the gate and started to kiss her. It was rude from me that I was standing there but male person... that... was... that was Frankie... and Kelsey, the girl from the party.
     I felt strong pain in my chest and my eyes were full of tears. I was stupid that I came here. It was so stupid of me that I looked for that idiot. Before I could rub my eyes, tear rolled down my cheek. I turned away and started to run. I pushed the gate with all my strength and it squealed completely. I was running so fast. Running from fear, from broken heart, from Frankie. His nice face was nightmare for me. I wanted him to disappear. He humiliated me.
I heard voice behind me. His voice. He was calling me. I didn't want to see him. Fortunately, one bus just stopped and I rushed into it. I sat and started crying. I covered my face with my hands but they weren't enough. My face, my hands, my hair were wet. Everything I wanted in that moment was to disappear. To forget about all sweet things and to fall in dark. 


 Hey, guys, thank you for reading my story. I received big support from you and I really appreciate that. This is my first story so I'm little bit insecure.
Chapter 5 is my favourite chapter so far and I hope you enjoyed it. I'll continue to write as long as I have people who like my story. Big kiss for all of you and I love you so much. 💗💗💗

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