Chapter 8

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Ivy's P.O.V.

      I didn't remember when we fell asleep. We had so much fun that we didn't care about time. I must to admit that was a great sleepover. Everything was perfect except one thing. I was sure that I heard Frankie's voice that night but Cat spent a lot of time convincing me he wasn't there. And she acted strange after she got inside. She really convinced me for a while but I still had some suspicions.
      I opened one eye to see it was already morning. I still didn't want to wake up because dreams were my only escape from reality. Alarm had something against it. It was so loud that I had to cover my head with pillow.
     "Turn it off!", I yelled.
     "I'm trying!", Cat said and then it finally stopped.
I pulled out my head and groaned.
     "I don't wanna go to school.", I said in crying voice.
     "Neither do I but you forgot you haven't gone to school for 2 days. So get up.", she said and punched me with pillow. I fell on other side.
      "Argh... You'll pay me for this.", I said getting up, "I'll go first in bathroom."
      I washed my face and looked myself in the mirror. My cheeks were pale and somehow I looked skinnier. I felt like I needed change but didn't know what kind of change. I sighed and went back to Cat's room. I changed my clothes and put myself in order. I wanted to go downstairs when I heard that Cat still was in the bathroom. She was taking a shower. Like I said before, she will pay me for that punch. This time, her punishment was cold water. I turned off water heater and 2 seconds later she started screaming. I held my laugh and quickly ran downstairs. She knew it was me but still I didn't want to be caught.
      "Good morning.", I said as I walked in the kitchen and saw Cat's mum. She was making breakfast.
     "Good morning, cutie pie. How did you sleep?", she smiled at me.
     "Good, thank you. I had a great time.", I said sitting.
     "Was that Catherine screaming?", she said looking at eggs she was making.
     "Yeah, she forgot to turn on a water heater." When I said that, Cat entered the room with crossed arms and dark face. I turned away my head so she wouldn't see that I was going to explode of laughing.
     "Very funny.", she said coming and sitting opposite of me.
     "Girls, eat fast. We have to go soon.", Cat's mum said putting plates with food in front of us.
After breakfast, we took our bags and went to the car.
     "I can't believe you're still mad at me.", I said teasing her.
     "You turned off warm water. What do you expect? I'm still cold.", she said curling on the seat. I laughed on that because I knew she won't be mad that long. Especially when we arrived at school and when she saw certain person. First person that ran to us was Jack.
     "Finally, Ivy. Welcome back.", he said hugging me. That was unexpected but I hugged him back.
     "Thanks, Jack. How are you?"
     "Good. I'm looking forward to art class today, Cat.", he said looking behind me and waving Cat.
     "Me too.", Cat said but very shy. She felt uncomfortable but I'm sure she was pleasant that he said that.
Two things bothered me in that moment. Last night, of course, and now fear to see Frankie again. If Jack was there, Frankie would be there as well. I looked around while Jack and Cat were talking. I didn't see Frankie but I saw Miles waving at me. He showed me to come to him. I wanted to go but Cat stopped me.
     "Wait Ivy...", she wanted to say.
     "I don't care!", I said angrily.
While I was walking towards Miles, I saw my trouble. Frankie was coming in school yard. He was behind Miles. I didn't want to look at him.
    "Hey, Miles.", I said.
    "Hey, Ivy.", he said coming closer to me, kissing me on the cheek and hugging me. I hugged him back. In that moment I couldn't avoid Frankie's sight. He stopped when he saw us. He looked straight to my eyes while I was hugging Miles. He clenched his fists and turned back. I turned my look away and I let Miles go.
    "How are you? I haven't seen you since our date.", he said with smile.
    "I'm good now. Good to be back.", I said with little smile.
    "That's great. I was wondering would you like..."
     "Ivy, my love, we have class now.", Jack said coming behind me and hugging my neck, "Time to go. See ya."He pulled me away with him. Miles stood there speechless just like I was. What have just happened?
     "What are you doing?", I said getting away from him. I was furious. Why did he pull me away? He has never done it before.
    "Stay away from that guy.", he said turning away and going in other direction.
    "Wait, wait.", I said grabbing his shoulder and turning him face to face with me, "That was rude. And you dared me to go with him in a first place. You're going to tell me reason for changing your mind."
     "You are my friend. I don't like him. You deserve better. End of story. Bye-bye.", he said and rushed into classroom.
     Can someone explain me what is going on with this world? That was question I asked myself that whole day.
     "Hello, my friend.", Sierra said jumping on my shoulders.
     "Thank you, Sierra, for waking me up.", I said pulling in my shoulders.
     "One way or another you will wake up because we have P.E. right now.", she said making bored face. She was right.
      Class on P.E. was quiet big. This time there were more interesting students than other time. Cat, Sierra, Grace and I were running on the field and doing some exercises. Sierra was talking about some joke and I laughed on that.
     "Hey. Look!", Cat said grabbing my shoulder. I turned away to see baseball players coming on other side. Cat and I looked at each other. My sight was looking for him, even though I didn't want to. I wanted to stay away from him but I knew that is impossible.
     My eye caught his eye. He looked at me the same time I looked at him. He was... limping and staring at me. I was standing in one spot and staring as well.
     "Hey, Black, will you come here or you will continue to stare at ballplayers?", teacher yelled at me. I quickly turned away and looked at the ground. I didn't want another embarrassment.
     "I'm coming.", I yelled as well and ran to the rest of class.
      Because I was still thinking about everything, I was the last one in the changing room. Others waited for me outside because it was end of the school. I put my bag on one shoulder and rushed to exit.
     "Ivy!", someone called me. I turned away and saw Frankie behind me. My body stiffed and my breathing stopped for a second. My arm stayed on my shoulder, holding bag. My legs were weak and I couldn't move. He looked serious and tired. He put off his cap. He looked straight to my eyes, biting his bottom lip.
     "We need to talk.", he said taking deep breath.
     "We have nothing to talk, Franklin.", I didn't know why did I call him by his real name but I felt like it will reflex my anger towards him."Our ways have been separated and we have nothing in common now."
      My face was deadly cold but my voice was shaky and even I didn't believe in my own words. I wanted to turn away but Frankie grabbed my hand. I'd lie if I say I didn't feel anything. Again, I stopped my breathing.
     "Listen I can...", he was about to say but I cut him with my high voice.
     "Let me go!", I said and pushed him away from me. I was rude and rough. But my feelings were fucked up and I wanted him away from me.
     "I said I have nothing to do with you.", I said without looking him in the eyes and running away. He didn't come after me. I didn't know if I wanted him to come after me or not. I was running slowly until I finally stopped and stood against the wall. I slightly slipped down the wall and sat on the floor. Again I felt tears in my eyes but I couldn't afford them. I needed to learn how to be a bitch. Only they are successful in life. I closed my eyes, hoping tears will disappear, and took a deep breath. I needed someone to whom I can express my feelings without emotional advices not like Cat who is always on my side. Or maybe place for that.
      I rubbed my eyes and took a phone from my bag. I texted Cat to not wait for me because I had something unexpected to do and that I will call her later. I stood up and run to Mrs. Dana's classroom. Mrs. Dana is English teacher. She was just locking classroom when I almost ran at her.
      "I'm sorry, professor, hello. I know I'm late but I wanted to ask you about poetry club. I want to join in.", I said playing with my fingers. That was my habit.
       "Oh, Ivy. I'm so glad to hear that. Judy told me about your talent and secretly I was hoping to see you in my club one day. ", she said with warm smile which was unusual for her. Most time she was strict and without happiness on her face.
      "I have free time and I'd like to do something I love. Writing."
     "That's amazing. Then I'm expecting you on my next poetry class after school on Thursday."
     "Thank you. I'll be there. Have a nice day.", I said with smile and walked away.
      I got out of school and no one was in the yard. Except some nerds that were coming back from library. Like everything, weather was black and cold. There were no more sunny and warm days like in September. Now there were just rainy and windy days that could make you feel even worse. I buckled up my jacket and pressed my arms to my chest.
      I decided not to go the same way as usual. I wanted to go through the park. New faces, new people were something that could help me for my first public poem.
      Fresh air and nature made me feel better. In spite of black days, park was colorful and it gave a little life in that gloomy day.
      I sat on a bench and pulled out my notebook. My feelings were on surface and that was perfect time for writing. My pen was writing by itself. I had inspiration and words were just coming on my mind. From time to time, I'd look up to see people around me. In one moment I saw someone waving at me. Austin was smiling and shaking his hand while getting into car. Big smile appeared on my face. I haven't seen him for a long time and it was good to see his 'always-smiled' face. He always brings positivity in his environment. I waved him too.
I was almost done with writing when I felt something around my legs. I looked down to see little kitten cuddling to my leg. She was black with white stripes and she looked like she wanted company. I smiled and put her on my lap. She was adorable and it was great feeling to have that little creature in your arms. She warmed my heart. She helped me to forget and to enjoy in her game with my fingers.

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