Chapter 7

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Frankie's P.O.V.

      I couldn't believe what was happening with me. Everything I touched it went wrong. From the start it was like that but why everything changed when she came to my life? She turned it upside-down. But I made it even worse.
      It's been 2 days since that horrible night. I couldn't believe how stupid I was. I have to admit I was jealous when she went on a date with Miles. I thought it would pass but I felt awful. That night I realized that she means to me way more than I thought. And I thought Kelsey could replace her. That is cruel, I know. But I hadn't anyone that night. I invited her just for company but I didn't mean to kiss her. It just happened. I thought about Ivy and Miles and their date and I was so angry. I couldn't even imagine that Ivy was standing behind me. She was looking for me. She knew where I would go and I did the most stupid thing I could've ever done. I kissed Kelsey in front of Ivy's eyes. I wouldn't know that she was there if she didn't push the gate. I turned away and saw her running. My jaw dropped and I ran after her. Kelsey tried to stop me but I was faster. I was calling her. I wanted to explain her how she made me feel. I know she heard me but she didn't want to stop or even turn to see me. She rushed into first bus and they disappeared in the dark. With them, my will for breathing also disappeared. When I turned to see where Kelsey was, she also disappeared. Everything disappeared. I was alone in the dark, with my thoughts. I fucked up everything and that was my cost. Since then I phoned Ivy multiple times and of course she didn't answer single one. But I couldn't phone Kelsey. I didn't have shame for that.
       I was lying on my bed and looking at the baseball poster in front of me. Why things in private life can't be that easy like playing baseball? I was in my thoughts when my phone rang. I jumped, hoping it was Ivy. But it was Jack. I couldn't talk to him so I turned off my phone. I got back in bed and took a book. I wished that I could read some romantic books with Ivy. But of course I couldn't concentrate because my dad and my brothers were watching TV and it was so loud. After half an hour of trying, I heard door bell. Gosh. I wondered who was it and soon I discovered it because that person came to my room. I stood up surprised.
     "What are you doing here?"
     "I can't come to see my friend.", Jack said coming to me and sitting on my bed, "What's going on with you, buddy? You didn't come on training."
I sat next to him.
     "I just didn't feel very well."
     "You look a little down these days."
     "Yeah. I just need rest from everything.", I said rubbing my face.
     "I know what will cheer you up. C'mon.", Jack said standing up and pulling me with him.
     "Whoa, whoa.", I said trying to get out of his hands, "Where are we going?"
     "You'll see.", he said getting out of the room. I rolled my eyes. I put on my jacket and went after him. I didn't have will to argue with him.
When I came to living room, Jack was talking with my father.
      "You are a good kid, Jack. I'm glad that Franklin is hanging out with you.", my father said constantly tapping Jack on shoulder, "And you", he continued pointing on me, "Don't stay too long. Tomorrow you need to replace those wood planks."
     "Fine. Let's go, Jack.", I said trying to avoid my father and to go out.
     "Love, have a good time.", mum said coming to me.
     "Thank you, mum. See ya.", I said going out and Jack came after me.
     "So are you going to tell me now where are we going?", I asked impatiently.
    "On the outfield. You need to spend some energy.", Jack said. I sighed and came after him.
      Whole walk he talked about something. I wasn't paying attention. I just heard couple of words like art, music, baseball, Cat, collage, Ivy, school... Wait?! Did he say Ivy?
     "Jack, what's with Ivy?", I said shaking my head.
     "I've just told you. She is sick. Cat hopes she will be better soon. Have you listened me at all?"
     "Yeah, I did. I just umm... turned off for a moment."
     "Hmm.", Jack mumbled and continued to talk.
     "You will practice bat for now.", Jack said when we arrived on outfield. I didn't have will for anything. But I obeyed him. I took the bat and cap and stood in position. I was ready and Jack threw the ball. My will was low, so was my hit. I didn't want to play baseball.
      "Frankie, what are you doing? You can do way more than that.", Jack yelled from the other side of the field. I rolled my eyes. He was throwing the ball over and over again and I was getting sick of everything. I remembered Ivy and got angry again. In that moment, I held my bat tighter and when Jack threw it, I hit it really hard and it hit Jack in stomach. He fell down, holding for his stomach. I ran to him.
      "Whoa, Frankie, you really have mood swinging.", Jack said still on the ground. I crouched next to him.
      "I'm sorry. I don't know what happened.", I sighed. I really didn't know what happened.
     "You have something to tell me, I know that. But I don't know why are you hiding it."
     "Maybe it would be better...", I wanted to say but Jack's phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket and sighed when he saw 'Emily' written on it. He just turned off his ringtone.
     "Why's that?", I asked suspiciously. He never hangs up Emily.
      "I... I... just it's stupid. Never mind.", he said shaking his head.
      "You know me. I know you. Tell me what's wrong.", I said sitting on the ground.
      "I don't have much fun with Emily like I used to have. She doesn't get me anymore. On the other hand, maybe I found someone who has same interests as me." He was looking at the ground. He was ashamed. It was obviously other girl.
      "Who is she?", I asked.
He made a pause before answering me.
      "Whoa. Where that come from?", I said surprised. Amazing. I like Ivy, he likes Cat, no one can be with any of them. Just perfect.
       "Last couple of days we were hanging out more than usual. When she was sick I accompanied her home and we were talking. She was so sweet and today we were together on art. I haven't that much fun in last few months. And I realized that maybe I have more fun with her than with Emily and... somehow... I feel like I have more feelings than... just for friendship with her."
I didn't say anything after that. I knew how he felt. I was in same situation. We were sitting in silence.
     "And you? Has Ivy something with your mood? Or your feelings?", Jack said looking at me. I sighed.
    "Aw buddy. Why didn't you tell me?", he said happily and punching me with elbow.
     "It's not like that. I ruined everything.", I said turning look away from Jack.
     "What happened?"
     "You dared her to go on date with Miles. That night I didn't feel very well and I invited Kelsey on outfield. And somehow... I kissed her but... I didn't know Ivy was there... and she saw pretty much everything.", I said rubbing my face.
      "Oh my God, Frankie.", he covered his face with hands.
     "I know, I know.", I said getting up, "I tried to call her, I sent her messages and everything but she doesn't want to see me. I even asked Cat but she said she is sick."
      "Yeah, both of them were sick.", Jack said standing next to me, "You know what? Send her new message. Maybe she changes her mind. I want to send Cat message as well.", he said smiling. I smiled with him because he was sparkling. I thought that he really liked Cat.
     "Fine. But you first.", I said.
     "Okay. 'I hope I'll see you again in art class tomorrow. It's more fun with you. See you.' And... sent."
      "Wow, Jack. So romantic.", I said teasing him. I felt better finally.
      "Shut up and call your girl.", he pushed me but I continued to laugh.
I sent Ivy messages where I'm sorry, I want to see her, where I want her to see my messages at least and etc. But she didn't answer single one while Cat answered Jack.
      "I've got an idea. Let's go to Cat's house. She can tell us what's going on with Ivy."
     "What?!", I said confused. I wasn't planning to sneak out somewhere in the middle of the night.
      "You'll see. Let's go.", Jack said excited. Not again. Enough his 'surprise' places for tonight. But he made me again.
       During whole walk he didn't let me to talk. Again I was alone with my thoughts and my little hope to speak with Ivy again.
      When we arrived at Cat's house, Jack whispered me to follow him. We came under some window.
      "You know everything in this house, don't you?", I said smirking.
     "Shut up and look at the master.", he said and started to whistle.
      "What are you doing? You will wake up her parents.", I shook him.
       "Continue being that loud and YOU will wake them up.", he replied.
Then we saw someone opening the window. It was Cat. Her jaw dropped when she saw us and she looked behind her back and said something to person in the room. Then she showed us to go on other side. I didn't understand a thing about that so I just followed Jack. We passed by garage and we needed to jump over bushes. We both tried to jump over it but it was too big and thorns stabbed us.
       "Remind me why are we doing this.", I said in weak voice. My legs were in pain and they were bleeding on few places. Shit. I didn't even know why did I put myself in this position.
      "Shut up... ahh.. and walk...", Jack said pulling his leg out of thorns. He had few stabs as well but they weren't bleeding.
       When I finally got free, I realized that my foot hurts so much and I had to limp. Jack will pay me for this. I limped to the back side door. Cat opened it.
      "What are you doing here? And what happened to you?", Cat said looking at us from head to toes. She was so confused.
      "We are here to ask you about Ivy. Where is she? What happened to her?", Jack asked cleaning his pants.
      "In the middle of the night? She is HERE! If she sees any of you, we are done. All of us!"
     "WHAT? SHE IS HERE?!", I accidentally yelled. Jack put his hand over my mouth. Wait? Ivy was there and I literally got over thorns to see her.
      "Are you crazy? She will hear you.", Cat said in crying voice.
      "Cat, where are you?", we heard Ivy's voice from inside. We all looked at each other.
     "Run. She mustn't see you here.", Cat said looking behind her back.
     "Just tell me how is she.", I said taking Jack's hand off my mouth, "Will she ever want to see me again?"
My heart was beating faster and faster. One side of me wanted to see her, to talk to her, to see her beautiful face but other side knew she would be even angrier if she saw me there.
      "I don't know, Frankie. Time will show us. She is okay. Go now. Hurry up.", Cat said pushing us.
      We started running but in wrong way. My foot was killing me but I had to run. We were hoping to go on street but instead of that we jumped in someone else yard. I fell on my foot and I shouted in pain. Jack tried to help me but suddenly big bulldog appeared in front of us.
     "AAAAAAA!", we screamed and started to run as bulldog came after us.
     "You stupid adolescents! Get away from here.", we heard male voice when he turned on lights in the house. With him, couple more houses turned on lights too.  Jack was faster and he had to drag me because I was going after him. I couldn't feel my foot and I fell on the ground. Jack saw me and came back. He put me on his back and continued to run.
      That was really bad night. No one will ever believe me what happened. And tomorrow? I didn't have a clue. That was beginning of a disaster.

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