Chapter 4

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      It's been couple of days since party. We haven't hung out since then. We've barely seen each other. Only few times in school. Jack had some obligations at home and Austin texted me that he had some family business. And Frankie... he just disappeared. I couldn't call him because I was too afraid of awkward situation. I left him there and I didn't have chance to explain him. I didn't know do I like him. He was so sweet to me, and kind, and his smile and eyes... I missed him obviously but I didn't want to admit it.
     I was lying on my bed and listening to music. Bryan Adams was perfect for that kind of situation. I was just looking in front of me. My thoughts were mess and I was trying to forget vision of Frankie. But not for long. Something hit my window and I jumped. I didn't hear it but saw it. I put down my headphones and ran to the window. I opened the window to see Frankie standing down. I couldn't hide smile and happiness for seeing him.
     "Hey, stranger.", he said smiling. His hands were in his pockets and he was looking at me.
     "Hey. What are you doing here?", I said playing with my hair. I didn't know what else to do.
     "I'm here to call you to hang out with us. At the outfield. Austin went to call Cat and Jack will come later. Are you in?"
      I smiled again and nodded. Why did he always make me smile like crazy?
    "I'm coming in 10 minutes."
     I closed the window and went to open my closet. I pulled out one of my favourite hoodies and pants. My hair was messy as usual but I didn't have time to fix it. I just went downstairs.
     "Hey. I'm going with Cat on the playground. I won't stay long. Bye.", I said and I saw my mum waved at me.
      Frankie waited for me on the other side of the sidewalk. When I came to him, he smiled and showed me to go first. I wanted to know where he was last days. I just had to ask.
     "So... where have you been last few days? I haven't seen you at all."
    "Umm... I had some work to do at home. I just went to school and after that home. I didn't have time to go out at all.", he said. He was avoiding eye contact. I wasn't looking at him as well.
     "And you? What did you do?"
     "Me? Nothing. Just like you. School, home, homework. Boring stuff.", I said looking at the ground.
     Rest of the walk, we spent in silence. I was afraid to say something wrong or to even mention party.
     Austin and Cat were already at the outfield.
    "Hey.", we said.
    "Hey. Where's Jack?", Austin asked.
    "Here ." , Jack said coming to us. He didn't look very well.
    "Hey?", Cat said, "You don't look happy. Is everything fine?"
    "Yeah. Don't worry. What's up?"
    "Cat's right, buddy. You can tell us. We are here for you.", Frankie said sitting on ground.
    "Is maybe something with Miss Rachel?", Austin said sitting next to Frankie. I sat too.
    "What is going on with her?", I said. Miss Rachel was our art teacher.
Jack didn't say anything. He just looked at stone that he was playing with.
     "I saw that she gave you some brochure. I guess it is for some art school.", Austin said. Cat sat next to him.
     "Yes.", Jack finally said dropping his rucksack and sitting down. We all were sitting in circle.
     "She gave me the brochure for Cal Art collage in California. She thinks that I have so much talent and that is my future collage."
     "And coach is forcing you to go on State.", Frankie said.
     "Yes.", Jack sighed, "And my head is in mess right now."
     "What does coach have with your collage?", Cat said.
     "He is my dad and he thinks that I shouldn't waste my baseball talent on something like art. Art is just hobby to him."
     "Don't worry about that now. You still have time to think about that.", I said, "Maybe you could forget about that with us."
     "Maybe."On Jack's face appeared a little shade of smile. That was lot of better than his stressed out face.
     "Yes. I always wanted to play Never have I ever.", Austin said clapping with his hands.
     "Why that game?", Frankie laughed.
     "I think it's better to play Truth or Dare.", I said. I liked that game but never had will to play it.
     "Yes. That is better. Austin, you start.", Jack said laughing now. It was good to see him in better mood.
     "Why me?", he said in crying voice, "But fine. Cat, truth or dare?"
     "Ohh... truth."
     "Do you believe in a love at first sight and if yes, why?"
     "Where did you find that question?", Cat said laughing, "Fine. Yes, I believe in a love at first sight because I think it's romantic when you know immediately that you found right person for yourself. My turn. Jack, truth or dare?"
     "Sing alphabet without moving your mouth."We all started laughing.
    "What? How am I supposed to do that?"
    "Try somehow. ",Cat shrugged.
Jack started to mumble something and it was so funny that nobody could stop laughing.
     "I'm done. Ivy, truth or dare?"
I didn't want to tell any truth and I thought that dare would be more interesting.
     "Close your eyes and send a blind text to random person."
     "You must be joking.", I stood in shock. How to send a blind message to someone?
     "No. Do it.", Jack said holding his laugh.
I rolled my eyes and took a phone. I closed my eyes and I typed something but forgot to turn off auto-correct. I clicked and it sent message.
     "To whom did you send it?"
I opened my eyes and I realized that I couldn't send it to worse person.
     "I sent it to Miles.", I dropped my phone and covered my face. Miles was my ex crush but we haven't been in a relationship. But still that was so embarrassing.
Jack picked it up and read the message out loud.
     " 'Tomorrow no me full stop love perfect' .", Jack read and all of them cracked out of laughing, "This doesn't make any sense."
     "It can't be worse."
Right after I said it, I received message on phone.
     "No. No, no, no."
My phone was still in Jack's hands so he opened message.
     " 'Are you calling me on a date? It would be nice to go out.' He got it literally. What are you going to do?", Jack laughed.
     "Nothing. Just leave it there. Maybe he'll figure out it was a mistake. My turn. Frankie, truth or dare?"
     "You see that broom over there? Go and do your best tango with it." We started to laugh again. This was funny game.
      "Oh my Gosh.", Frankie said rubbing his forehead. He looked around to see was someone there and then stood up. His tango was the worst but at the same time hilarious.
     "Never again.", he said coming back, "Austin, truth or dare?"
     "Describe the weirdest dream you've ever had."
     "Oh man...", Austin said.
      We continued to play the game long at night. Chatting and laughing were priceless. We learned a lot of things about each other.
      It was almost 11 pm and boys wanted to play baseball before we go home. Cat and I sat where audience usually sit.
     Wind was strong and I rolled sleeves over my hands. Night was beautiful and it was nice to look baseball in that time. We sat in silence before Cat decided to break it.
     "What is going on with you and Frankie?"
    "Nothing. Why?", I said looking at the ground.
     "You didn't talk about the other night?"
     "No, we didn't. I didn't want to mention that because I ruined that night. Probably atmosphere was romantic and that is why it could've happened. Nothing more.", it was hard for me to say that but it was truth. I was hiding my face in my hair. I didn't want Cat to see me biting my bottom lip.
    "Maybe you should talk. I think...", but before she could say her opinion boys came to us. Fortunately. But unfortunately my phone buzzed again.
    "Tell me that is Miles.", Austin said laughing.
    "Ha-ha.", I said giving him dark glare. I opened the message and immediately regretted it.
   "What does it say?", Cat said.
   " 'Never mind. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 8. See you.' and heart emoji at the end. I'm going to kill myself.", I said and covered my face again. I wanted this couple months ago but not now. But at the same time I couldn't tell him I didn't want to go with him and it was just a dare.
     "So you have date tomorrow. Congratulations.", Cat said laughing. I punched her in her stomach with elbow.  "Ouch."
     "I think it's time to go home. We have to get up early tomorrow.", Frankie said from sudden. He stuck his hands in his pockets and his face was dark for some reason. I wanted to say that we could stay a little more but Jack cut me.
    "Yeah. Let's go."
     On our way home, we all were talking except Frankie. He looked worried. What happened to him from sudden?
They accompanied us home.
    "Bye guys. See you tomorrow.", I said waving at them
    "Bye.", they all said clearly except Frankie. He mumbled something.
     I walked in the house and saw mum in front of TV. She turned to me.
    "Hey, Ivy. How was it?"
    "Great.", I shrugged, "I'm going to sleep. Good night."
    "Good night."
I just wanted to fall asleep and relax. Some things were so hard and I needed rest.

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