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"Hello gorgeous" Bucky grinned, tightly wrapping his arms around Rose's waist as he entered the kitchen of her house.


"That's Sergeant James Barnes, to you." the man spoke, a cocky grin plastered on his face. Slowly Rose let go of Bucky, taking a step back she turned her back to him trying not to let him catch the tear that slipped down her face.

"Y-you're getting shipped off?" She questioned, her voice shaky. In response, Bucky only nodded his head, afraid of what reaction the woman would have.

Wiping the tear, the blonde quickly turned around to face the man she loved with all her heart "When?".

"First thing tomorrow..." the man spoke sadly, pulling Rose back into his arms.

A whisper came to her ears, almost a sigh, barely a breath: "Are you okay?"

"Of course." the answer emerged from her painted red lips, vacant, without hope, and automatic, but it was a lie.

She was not okay.

IN THE FLAMES ➼ B. BARNESWhere stories live. Discover now