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Feeling more nervous than ever, Bucky sat in his car out the front of Rose's house. Tapping the steering wheel to try and calm his nerves he let out a huff before picking up the bundle of flowers from the passenger seat and getting out.

"You can do it, Buck. She said yes to this date, that means she has to have some interest in you..." Moving over to the door with a sudden surge of courage, Bucky knocked on the door.  Wide eyed, he waited for the door to open, but alas it didn't.

"You're an idiot, Barnes. Did you really think a girl like her would be interested in you?" Bucky muttered out loud to himself, moving away from the front door towards his car.

"Well, you're an idiot to think that I wouldn't." 

The  familiar melodic voice Bucky knew all too well spoke from behind him. Slowly, Bucky turned back around. There Rose stood in all her glory and by gosh did she look beautiful. Jaw dropped, Bucky admired the girl. "You didn't think I had skipped out on you, did you?" she sauntered down the steps towards him, that bright smile Bucky loved showcasing her pearly white teeth. 

"I couldn't hear the door, I had my records going as I got dressed." 

"I got these for you." Bucky finally snapped out of his haze, handing the bundle of flowers to her. Smiling brightly, she gingerly kissed his cheek. "Thank you Buck, they're beautiful!"

"So what've you got planned tonight?" Rose asked as she guided him back to her house so she could put the flowers in a vase.  Returning back to this suave self, Bucky leant against the door frame and watched Rose "I was thinking we could go skating first and then maybe later fondue."

Baffled, Roses' cheeks reddened as she gasped "James Buchanan Barnes!" chuckling, Bucky innocently shrugged. "What? I thought you liked chocolate." Rolling her eyes playfully, she pulled him towards her and held up a camera "I wanna remember this night." passing it to Bucky, he turned the camera around. Pulling her close to him, he softly placed his lips on her cheek as he snapped the picture.

"I can't wait to have these pictures developed!" Rose smiled, placing the camera down on the counter and interlocking her hand with Bucky's she guided him outside.

IN THE FLAMES ➼ B. BARNESWhere stories live. Discover now