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A knock on the door startled Rose as she was awoken in a shock. Quickly putting on her robe she moved towards the front door, her feet weighing down on her as she knew in her heart the reason for the late night call. She hesitantly opened the door to find Steve standing there, eyes dark and sunken and his hair a mess.

Eyes wide, Rose grabbed the man and pulled him into the house. Moving to seat him in the lounge room she quickly rushed into the kitchen to grab him a cool glass of water. "Steve. What's the matter?"  Rose moved to sit next to him on the lounge. "It's not good, Rose."

At this Rose's heart dropped. She knew what was coming. "Buck's M.I.A. He didn't return from his mission." Suddenly the glass of water in Rose's hand had fallen to the floor. Broken.

Quickly moving to embrace the woman, Steve rubbed her back comfortingly. "I'm gonna find him. I'm gonna bring him back to you, Rose. I promise."

With a choked sob, Rose whispered to Steve "Bring him back to me, Steve. I need him."

IN THE FLAMES ➼ B. BARNESWhere stories live. Discover now