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Lights were illuminating over the dancing bodies, Rose as per usual sat at the bar waiting for someone. "Well, well, well. Funny bumping into you here." a male voice spoke smugly causing Rose to tilt her head back and groan. 

"What do you want, Barnes?" the blonde hair girl spun around on her stool and looked at the man who was smiling at her adoringly. "I thought I already made it clear. You."

"Not happening Barnes, i'm on a date." raising an eyebrow Bucky turned to scan the room "I can't seem to see him, wanna point him out for me doll?" letting out a gasp, Rose turned back around on her stool and slowly stirred her drink "He didn't show."

"What was that doll face?" Bucky asked leaning on the bar, running a hand through his hair. "He didn't show" Rose spoke once again, raising her voice so Bucky could hear her over the music. Frowning, Bucky moved his hand to stop her from stirring her drink, his other hand going under her chin gently to make her look at him. "Well, it's his loss." helping her off the stool, Bucky moved onto the dance floor, wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her closely to his chest. 

"It's his loss."

• • •


"Shall we dance?" gently grabbing his fiancé, he whisked her off onto the dance floor, arms tightly wrapping around her waist as he pulled her into a tender kiss. "James Buchanan Barnes!" Rose squealed, playfully hitting his chest as he grinned at her lovingly. 

"Look after yourself will you..." Bucky spoke, placing a light kiss on her lips as she smiled up at him "And Steve too."

"Of course Buck, we'll be fine. You're the one who has to look after himself." Rose moved to rest her head on his chest as they swayed. "I'll be home before you know it Rose." Opening her mouth to speak, Rose stopped herself instead she pulled Bucky into a passionate kiss. Both left breathless when they pulled apart.

"Home is not some a place Buck. It's not where you are from, it's where you belong. Some people travel the world to find it. Others, they're lucky enough to find it in a person. Bucky, you're my home. So I need you to promise me you'll come back."

"I promise, Doll."

IN THE FLAMES ➼ B. BARNESWhere stories live. Discover now