I stood there for about five minutes after they d gone,there went my chance of actually being friends with him..Keane Scott,nice..i hit my forehead with my palm hard,had i seriously been checking him out,quite unlike me,this last year,i kept doing things that were not me..Concentrate,Is's Boyfriend,no go area...Drew walked towards me"hey,u lost or something?" "thanks i can find my way " "actually thought you lost ur address",i glared at him"seriously,i have no idea when we became friends,why didnt you just walk past"i bit out "cos you looked like a lost puppy mins ago,i couldnt just walk past"he got to his car,i glared then remembered and walked to him"what did you tell Brian?",he shut the door and turned the ignition"that you are a bitch"...i shut my eyes and chanted....dont let him get to you..."what..you dont even know me" "you wished i wanted to dont you..stay away from my cousin",he drove off...i chuckled then went to my car which i d thankfully collected from the mechanic weekend,i drove off...Lia had detention,great way to make ur last year not boring but does she have to start with Detention?...and Drew,Drew was really getting on my thin nerves and i refuse to get down to his level cos if i did,he d really hate me.......~