Mr Smith looked at us sternly.."now sit with your partners.",the class became rowdy as we both waited for who to move.finally he did and sat where he sat when we first talked...Nemesis...Mr smith gave out the project topic,ours had to do with "Nuclear reactions" "you have any idea about this..cos ure doing this alone"he said"you wish"...he looked at me"did you do sth to make yourself my partner cos you got sth coming",yea i know he was really good in chemistry and any other girl would kill to spend time with him..but me? "you wish",god,why did they hv to put us together,we d kill each other before we came out with a nuclear bomb presentation,he turned back ahead as he jotted down notes on his keypoints pad,i peered at it"what now?"he asked"we re partners..we got to work together",he glared at me"you wish" "is that the only two words you know?",he shrugged "i was only repeating your line"he said"i see u all are already getting to know each other"he looked around the class,his gaze landed on Drew and i"guess my pairing was superb.",we glared at him"get started",he left the class ...Drew began packing his books"we could start on thurday or i could do it on my own but you know i dont wanna do all the dirty i ll give you my email,you do all the research in the book and send them to me,i ll compile " "you seriously got sth coming if you think i ll make it that easy for you"...he left the class ,i followed"you couldnt even tell me thank you for calling you to check on your cousin",he turned"about that..why does my cousin call you first when hes drunk and in a club?" "cos im more caring than you could be.." "caring,then me dragging my ass out in the middle of the night to the club to get him was what..the dude wanted to start up a fight"i gaped"i dont know why im telling you this but you got to stay away from my cousin" "i dont know how to tell you this but..whatever is going on btw Brian and i is no business of yours lest you want me for yourself"i said"its an advice..take it or leave it..i dont actually deal with your type but if you so want id be obliged to bang you.."i slapped him,he looked stunned"what was that for?" "swearing..sth i could have done the first time",he glared at me so his eyes changed colour"stay the hell away from my cousin"he walked away..Lia hurried towards me"karen guess what?",i looked at her and she traced me to Drew's departing figure.."what..happened?"she asked"i hit Drew..and i feel damn good about it",Lia shrieked"you hit Drew patterson"i nodded"omg im so loving you..what did he do?" "what do you think..what was it you wanted to tell me?" "tomorrow is Is's birthday" "and?" "Liam got us tickets",i stared"you seriously want to go to Is's birthday party..are you nuts?" "why not,its Keane's,her bf remember,its a surprise for her" "oh great"i said with sarcasm,then thought that id actually see Keane again"really..i do not have what to wear" "we ll fix that",i stared at her,she me..."sth else?",i wanted to tell her about Brian and why he wasnt asking her out like she hoped......"Drew's my project partner"i said,she shrieked,i looked at her"oh darn"she said"u ok?" "what do you think?" "i think you re just as excited as i am"she hugged me"what..we hate him remember?" "no girl..just think how popular itd make us,girls would kill right now to be you"she shrieked..i rolled my eyes before i settled in her embrace~