Mr Smith looked at us sternly.."now sit with your partners.",the class became rowdy as we both waited for who to move.finally he did and sat where ha sat when we first talked...Nemesis...Mr smith gave out the project topic,our had to do with "Nuclear reactions" "you have any idea about this..cos ure doing this alone"he said"you wish"...he looked at me"did you do sth to make yourself my partner cos you got sth coming",yea i know he was really good in chemistry and any other girl would kill to spend time with him..but me? "you wish",god,why did they hv to put us together,we d kill each other before we came out with a nuclear bomb presentation,he turned back ahead as he jotted down notes on his keypoints pad,i peered at it"what now?"he asked"we re partners..we got to work together",he glared at me"you wish" "is that the only two words you know?",he shrugged "i was only repeating your line"he said"i see u all are already getting to know each other"he looked around the class,his gaze landed on Drew and i"guess my pairing was superb.",we glared at him"get started",he left the class