Chapter Nine

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Time flies when you're having fun, and hours passed by and I didn't even notice. Everything froze when I was next to him, I felt like nothing else mattered. Those hours we spent at the beach reminded me of the best things in life. We waited to gaze at the sunrise, it was breathtaking but unfortunately rain clouds were above us, and we decided to leave considering it was a long drive home.

"You wanna go grab a bite?" He asks smiling

"I'm always down for food" I replied with a cheeky grin.

He pulled up and told me to stay in the car since it had already started pouring and we were eating on the road.

I searched on Spotify a song I like by "Halsey" and started singing along. The minute the car shook, a really cute guy pulled up next to me. "Oh god" I almost died of embarrassment. He smiles at me and I smile back, I love it when strangers smile at me and I smile back and we have that nice stranger smiling moment.

5 minutes later, Minho is back with our food. He got me: a chicken sandwich, fries and a coke. He got a cheeseburger, chicken nuggets and onion rings.

"I thought we were going to eat on the road" I gently imply.

"Nah, I was famished, and well you devoured your food" he smiles at me.

"Let's roll!" He says after playing "Love me again" by John Newman.

I love this song, and so do my friends. I kept remembering our Karaoke nights at Lea's while we all battled to get the mic. Lea has a hell of a voice, unlike the rest of us, we could literally melt someone's brain with it.

I found myself staring at him, he's got that James Dean daydream look in his eyes, and that messy hair that drove me crazy. Not to mention he always smells good, and that was appealing to me.

"Should I drive you home, or..?" He asked in confusion.

"No, drive me to Amber's" I reply instantly.

"It's 7:50am, is she awake?" He sighs.

"Of course, if not I'll wake her up with my texting spree" I laugh.

I was staying at her place after all, she was my alibi and I needed to be there because my dad was picking me up in 3 hours more or less and I couldn't risk it.
Minho is a hell of a driver, I said to myself.

"Where did you learn how to drive" I ask him

"India, I was there a few months ago before coming here and a friend of my dad taught me." He replies with a big smile on his face, apparently knowing that I was asking cause he was good at it.

"Do you have a license?" I ask.

"Due to unfortunate circumstances I don't, I basically stole my dad's car. But don't worry, if we get caught I'll be the one going to jail." He tells me.

"I'll bail you out" I giggle.

15 minutes later, we arrive to Amber's place. I text her letting her know I'm outside. She surprisingly was awake and so was Lea. They both step out of the doorway and wave at Minho.

"Matching hoodies? Minho asks.

"Haha yeah, we all have matching hoodies, judge not" I giggle.

"So.." he says with hopes that I'll finish his sentence.

"I'll text you later." I giggle

"Yes!" He smiles at me.

I step out of the car and wave at him while smiling, he waves back and disappears as he drives home.

"You do realize we are awake just for you." Lea stares at me.

"I know, and I owe you guys big time" I tell them.

"Umm yeah, I'll think of something" Amber sighs at me.

As we enter the house I could smell chocolate chips waffles, pancakes, bacon and peanut butter sandwiches.

"Did you eat breakfast?" Amber asks.

"Yes!" I said with a low voice

"He will eat again Amber, he is a foodie, like me" Lea laughs sarcastically.

We sat at the table and I started telling them every single detail. We had to hush considering everyone was still sleeping. As I was eating Lea had my phone and I got a text from Minho:

"I had fun"

Lea soon replies cause she knew what my answer was going to be. They both knew what I was thinking by just looking at me, not that I'm that predictable but we have that connection and inner jokes that few can fully understand.

"He has a car, I like him already" Amber grins at us.

"Couldn't agree more" Lea says with sarcasm.

"Let's take a nap" I tell them, and we all nod in agreement. Eating and then sleeping was our favorite thing to do, moreover if it was raining outside. We love mornings like these.

I was a extremely tired, the room itself was perfect, I tried to fall asleep while feeling the warmth of the cozy comforter Amber gave us, the room was dark, as if the windows had shutters preventing the sun from lighting up everything, Nonetheless I could hear my phone buzzing. But I didn't pay much attention provided that as amazing as my night was, I was dead tired and needed to recover before my dad picked me up.

Hey guys, this is chapter nine I hope you all like it. I've been blocked lately due to unfortunate circumstances that I hope will solve soon. Anyhow give me some support, I know I need to improve a bit but I like the story so much and I think I should keep going. Vote and comment.
With love

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